SenseUPnP - Looking for feedback

Hi everyone,

Were looking to improve Sense UPnP on version 3.2 by improving considerably the discovery of UPnP-based streamers as well as providing better compatibility so there can be better support for gapless, less glitches playing back and DSD support for the devices that do support it.

One of the areas we are looking is metadata display on devices that have a screen, such as Naim. Are there any SenseUPnP users here streaming to such devices? Would be good to have an idea of which devices you are using and when the 3.2 beta is available, you'd be interested in doing some beta testing to ensure a good experience is provided.

Look forward to hear from the community.

Happy to join the beta programm, have a NDX2 and Zen mk3
A couple of small points:

1, the volume control in Sense controls the streamer/preamp output volume which is nice. A setting of 100 is deafening. There is a max volume setting inside the NAC272 software which I needed to use to ensure I don't go too loud. It may be good to have a maximum volume setting in the Sense streamer settings window to limit the output volume in case of a streamer/preamp that lacks max volume limitation.

2, mute in the Sense volume control activates the NAC272 volume control by setting it to zero. It does not activate mute in the NAC272. I suspect this may be a limitation of UPNP, but if not it would nice to have Sense active mute on the streamer/preamp.

I am running in compatibility mode and realise this means I won't see track and artist information on the NAC272 screen. What is compatibility mode?
3, The flip side of my earlier point 2 is when the Naim has been muted, Sense cannot bring the Naim out of mute.

4, The feedback of volume level from Naim into Sense is nice, but I have managed to get the volume numbers out of step between the Zen and Naim. The volume number in Sense is 2x the number on the Naim screen. Adding +1 to the Naim adds +2 to Sense volume level. However, mute on the Naim remote invokes pause in Sense which is really neat.
3, The flip side of my earlier point 2 is when the Naim has been muted, Sense cannot bring the Naim out of mute.

4, The feedback of volume level from Naim into Sense is nice, but I have managed to get the volume numbers out of step between the Zen and Naim. The volume number in Sense is 2x the number on the Naim screen. Adding +1 to the Naim adds +2 to Sense volume level. However, mute on the Naim remote invokes pause in Sense which is really neat.
Please scrub my point 4, I know what I did now. I set a max volume setting in the Naim of 50%. So each change of the Naim volume is now 2% of the total. Resetting the Naim max volume allowed to 100% solves the difference in the Naim and Sense volume displays.

I still like the 3.2 beta UPNP integration, it does the job handsomely.
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Please scrub my point 4, I know what I did now. I set a max volume setting in the Naim of 50%. So each change of the Naim volume is now 2% of the total. Resetting the Naim max volume allowed to 100% solves the difference in the Naim and Sense volume displays.

I still like the 3.2 beta UPNP integration, it does the job handsomely.
Many thanks for all your feedback!
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Hi Nuno,

I'd love to be a part of testing. I have an Auralic Aries G1.1 that I've never been able to get to work with Sense UPNP. I can get it working when I use Asset UPNP but Sense can't find my Aries G1.1.

The device does have a now playing screen which displays song/album art and title information. Would be happy to participate in any beta testing. For the Innuos side, I'm using a Zen Mini mk3


Many thanks for your request John!
The full release of 3.2 is pretty imminent now, so if you bear with us for a few days you will soon have access to the reworked version of SenseUPnP
Hi Nuno,

I'd love to be a part of testing. I have an Auralic Aries G1.1 that I've never been able to get to work with Sense UPNP. I can get it working when I use Asset UPNP but Sense can't find my Aries G1.1.

The device does have a now playing screen which displays song/album art and title information. Would be happy to participate in any beta testing. For the Innuos side, I'm using a Zen Mini mk3


John, I suspect that Asset UPnP may be using DLNA or OpenHome to connect to your Aries G1.1 rather than UPnP as Auralic has never supported straight UPnP. Why aren't using using your Zen Mini Mk3 for playback, seems you are only using it as storage and server? Thanks.
I installed the 3.2.0-3 beta recently. I like the way the UPNP setup has been simplified. It is possible to use the Naim app or Sense to play from the Zen server, very nice. I don't have to change the setup in Sense for one app or the other to be used.

The UPNPBridge player has settings in Lyrion Music Server settings -> player. Is it recommended to tweak these or leave them alone?
John, I suspect that Asset UPnP may be using DLNA or OpenHome to connect to your Aries G1.1 rather than UPnP as Auralic has never supported straight UPnP. Why aren't using using your Zen Mini Mk3 for playback, seems you are only using it as storage and server? Thanks.
When I initially got it I was using it for playback. There's a few reasons. In my setup I found a negligible difference if any in sound quality between going through the zen mini mk3 direct via usb to my amp (via phoenixUSB reclocker in between), vs. having aries g1.1 accessing the files on the Zen and playing them over the network through aries and then through my phoenixUSB reclocker to my amp. The aries can accept remote commands and so one small reason is to be able to use my amp remote to also control playback which I could not do with the Zen as it was app control only.

Second and a bigger reason. At least at this time, I prefer to use roon to manage my music library and playback given much of its discovery features etc. In my experience using the Zen for both roon core and roon endpoint sounds noticeably worse than if you use the Zen as a core and use a different device (in this case the aries) as the roon endpoint. In this use case the aries is directly connected via ethernet to the zen mini's 'streamer' network port, and then playback from the aries is output to the phoenixUSB reclocker and then into my amp via USB.

A 3rd but less important reason is that the aries has built in DSP functions that can be applied optionally while still integrating with roon (without using roon's DSP features which i don't like as much).

Honestly i go back and forth as Innuos adds features to their software. That is why I'm eager to try this functionality to see if it will work for the aries and be able to use the Sense OS.

As for the aries upnp support, I have been able to use it with a variety of different upnp apps / devices. its only the senseUPNP in its historical functionality that has not found the device

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Feel free to add comments to this thread, thanks!
I thought I'd give it a try as I did try and use the uPnP function fairly soon after Sense was launched a few years ago by switching it on in the back-end. It did not work well at all and I went back to using Roon and Groups.

I'm using Zuma Lumisonic in multiple rooms.
So I'm both on a laptop and my mobile.
Activated uPnP
The active rooms showed up.
Screenshot 2025-02-19 at 15.54.26.png

Selected my office. Started streaming. All good.
* Went back to uPnP section and it shows as deactivated, when it is activated.
* Went into streamer settings and found it was defaulted to comparability mode at 44100. The app shows the native format which is 24/192, not the streaming format.
Switched off compatibility mode, changed settings as set out below.
Screenshot 2025-02-19 at 16.37.05.png

Streams no problem wirelessly at 24/192. Here is the device data.
Screenshot 2025-02-19 at 16.29.35.png

As far as the native app is concerned, in compatibility mode it shows music is playing but nothing else. With comp mode off it shows LMS as source. With Roon I get metadata.


I did briefly try grouping. Needs a bit more time.
Hello, using a Zen Mini MK3 to stream to a Cambridge Audio Edge NQ that have a screen. It works fine but don’t show the album art work. Any suggestions?