InnSights: What's new with 3.2

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I've noticed another glitch since my post of a couple of days ago.

As is my habit, I backed up my Zen Mk 3 server before updating to 3.2.1, which occurred without problem. However, I noticed this evening that the Zen can no longer find the USB backup drive. There's nothing wrong with the drive; if I connect it to my computer, Windows 11 has no trouble finding it. Has anyone else noticed this?
Update: I was able to fix this problem by restarting the system using the power button in the upper right corner of the System menu.
Sense queue editing in Sense 3.2:

You asked for feedback on the new system for queue editing in Sense 3.2. I have been using the new system for a while now and have the following observations:
- The ability to select multiple tracks is in itself a good thing. However, the way you implemented this is not ideal in my view as we lose the ability to simply slide a track up or down with drag and drop which is more often what I would do in a queue.
- The ability to select multiple tracks is more important for me in other places where this was not implemented: In search results and playlist editing (although for the latter there is at least the ability to delete multiple tracks by simply clicking on them).
- So now we have three distinct behaviors with one approach in queue editing and another one in playlist editing, and no ability to select search results which for example need to be added one by one to a playlist or the queue.

Ideally I would like to see a consistent behavior with:
- preserving drag and drop ability for queue and playlists
- multiple track selection for queue, playlist and search results

I hope you can, as always, find an elegant and intuitive way to implement this!
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Today I try the Player Grouping that includes PULSAR, PULSE and PULSEmini. The grouping works almost perfect.

However, there is a sligh delay for all three players that I can hear. I have 3 rooms connecting with 3 Innuos players with 3 stereo set ups. The music is not proper sync, with slight mili-seconds delay. This is also the same problem when I group 3 Roon Ready equipments. There was a slight delay in three rooms that I can hear. I have another brands of streamers that has Multi-Room cappability, this system seems to be perfectly in-sync.

Is there a work around this issue to make all Innuos players in Group play music perfectly in sync?

Warmest regards,
Bangkok, Thailand.

Innuos Group 01.jpg
Hello, do you know if sorting/searching within playlist will be added any time soon? This has already been submitted as a feature request. If I want to listen to recently added tracks on a big playlist I have to scroll down all the way to the bottom (imagine 2000 songs or so!). It would be great if I could just sort by "recently added". Thanks
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Today I try the Player Grouping that includes PULSAR, PULSE and PULSEmini. The grouping works almost perfect.

However, there is a sligh delay for all three players that I can hear. I have 3 rooms connecting with 3 Innuos players with 3 stereo set ups. The music is not proper sync, with slight mili-seconds delay. This is also the same problem when I group 3 Roon Ready equipments. There was a slight delay in three rooms that I can hear. I have another brands of streamers that has Multi-Room cappability, this system seems to be perfectly in-sync.

Is there a work around this issue to make all Innuos players in Group play music perfectly in sync?

Warmest regards,
Bangkok, Thailand.

View attachment 298

My experience is different. I can group my USB-connected Devialet Expert Pro and HomePods connected though LMS Airplay bridge, and they are all in perfect sync. The source is Zenith. Mk3.
Maybe make some new specific playlists with smaller number of tracks?
Even in smaller playlists (I do not have super long ones), being able to highlight where a track or tracks are would be useful. Especially in search results: I search for a certain title or artist and some of the results will be in playlists (which is a great feature of Sense), but then you have to look through the playlist to see where... If the relevant results where highlighted in the playlist, it would be extremely useful.
Hi all, we have posts now going in different directions regarding support and other feature requests. Please can i ask these to be directed to their own posts over on either the Help section or the Product Chat section, thank you!
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