SenseUPnP and gapless profiles for Qobuz albums


Active member
Jul 18, 2024
Hi. I use SenseUPnP to send music by UPnP for headphones. I have two possible headphones amps, a Yamaha AV receiver, and an Oppo UDP 205. The latter is better but I run into problems with its UPnP implementation. For both devices, getting gapless playback for Qobuz albums is difficult (no problems with local music). I found that the Devialet Phantom profile does give me gapless playback on both devices through SenseUPnP, but with the Oppo, very often the playback becomes uncontrollable: I cannot stop the music (but I can change the track), it sometimes stops on its own, and the progress bar seems to go back to zero after 10 seconds although the music continues to play.

Does anyone know of a profile for the Oppo UDP 205 that would be reliable and provide gapless playback? how can I add a profile? Is it through the LMS interface of the Innuos server? There are device by device settings in the UPnP plugin, but I am fearful of changing them and mess with the SenseUPnP...

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The profiles that are listed are ones that we add ourselves - these are largely the result of beta participation and a lot of remote sessions etc, as basically every UPnP device out there has its own configuration and needs a lot of testing. UPnP is a lot less universal than you would think and extremely hard to unify (hence why LMS and Roon ultimately aimed to bypass it completely).
In update 3.1 i think we will be changing the underlying software used for the SenseUPnP feature so that may help
Hi. I use SenseUPnP to send music by UPnP for headphones. I have two possible headphones amps, a Yamaha AV receiver, and an Oppo UDP 205. The latter is better but I run into problems with its UPnP implementation. For both devices, getting gapless playback for Qobuz albums is difficult (no problems with local music). I found that the Devialet Phantom profile does give me gapless playback on both devices through SenseUPnP, but with the Oppo, very often the playback becomes uncontrollable: I cannot stop the music (but I can change the track), it sometimes stops on its own, and the progress bar seems to go back to zero after 10 seconds although the music continues to play.

Does anyone know of a profile for the Oppo UDP 205 that would be reliable and provide gapless playback? how can I add a profile? Is it through the LMS interface of the Innuos server? There are device by device settings in the UPnP plugin, but I am fearful of changing them and mess with the SenseUPnP...


Indeed 3.2 will have a revamped SenseUPnP experience which we also hope it's more stable and compatible with multiple devices. The issue you have is fairly common. We do have a configuration around this that should resolve your problem. I'll have a word with the team to publish a profile (this can be done without the need for a software update) and once it's done we'll let you know so you can try it out.


Indeed 3.2 will have a revamped SenseUPnP experience which we also hope it's more stable and compatible with multiple devices. The issue you have is fairly common. We do have a configuration around this that should resolve your problem. I'll have a word with the team to publish a profile (this can be done without the need for a software update) and once it's done we'll let you know so you can try it out.

Thank you. This would be great!
I confirm that the Oppo 205 profile works: gapless for local music as well as for Qobuz tracks, and no more unreliability in playing tracks. This is great! Thank you.
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I confirm that the Oppo 205 profile works: gapless for local music as well as for Qobuz tracks, and no more unreliability in playing tracks. This is great! Thank you.
Well, with one exception, however : radio stations do not play with this profile. (They play fine with default or Devialet Phantom profiles). It is much more important that I can finally play Qobuz albums gapless but if you can fix the radio stations playing in this profile it would be perfect.
Well, with one exception, however : radio stations do not play with this profile. (They play fine with default or Devialet Phantom profiles). It is much more important that I can finally play Qobuz albums gapless but if you can fix the radio stations playing in this profile it would be perfect.
We found an easy fix for this - if you reboot your system it should now work properly with radio.