Feel free to add comments to this thread, thanks!
I thought I'd give it a try as I did try and use the uPnP function fairly soon after Sense was launched a few years ago by switching it on in the back-end. It did not work well at all and I went back to using Roon and Groups.
I'm using Zuma Lumisonic in multiple rooms.
So I'm both on a laptop and my mobile.
Activated uPnP
The active rooms showed up.
Selected my office. Started streaming. All good.
* Went back to uPnP section and it shows as deactivated, when it is activated.
* Went into streamer settings and found it was defaulted to comparability mode at 44100. The app shows the native format which is 24/192, not the streaming format.
Switched off compatibility mode, changed settings as set out below.
Streams no problem wirelessly at 24/192. Here is the device data.
As far as the native app is concerned, in compatibility mode it shows music is playing but nothing else. With comp mode off it shows LMS as source. With Roon I get metadata.

I did briefly try grouping. Needs a bit more time.