Zen Mini mk3 Random Start Up


New member
Jun 7, 2024
My Zen Mini mk3 has started playing music through lms connection to a Samsung TV on the same wifi network at random, in the middle of the night. It's happened 2-3 times now and is not amusing to SWMBO.
I normally leave the Innuos powered on when not in use, to save time when starting up. It has the latest version of Innuos OS 3.0.1. The Zen Mini is directly connected to a Sugden dac which is powered off when not in use. The Samsung TV that 'comes to life' would be turned off to standby mode. When it last happened at about 1.0am, I found the TV on, playing music via lms so I turned the TV off again and powered off the tablet used to run Sense. Five minutes later, the same thing happened and had to power off the Zen Mini to have a good night's sleep.
Any idea why this would occur?
Presumably this is with SenseUPnP enabled, and the Samsung has some kind of Squeeze player Android TV app installed?
All i can think is that when the Sugden DAC is switched off, the Innuos will defer to the Samsung as the next available 'player' to output to. Then perhaps in the night, maybe due to a brief network outage or perhaps the Samsung 'soft' rebooting itself after updating channels or another activity, that it reappears as a player to the Innuos which can initiate playback if the player quickly disconnects/reconnects.
The only workaround for now would be that when you switch off the Sugden DAC, you also switch off the Innuos or, at the very least, disable the SenseUPnP function.
Therefore, thinking along these lines, perhaps investigate what scheduled overnight activities your TV might be doing?