SenseUPnP: Feedback Thread

FYI, update 3.2.2 will resolve MP3 transcoding which in turn will restore much of the Internet Radio and Podcast functionality over SenseUPnP, as well as locally stored mp3 files

I have got problems.

Sense ver 3.2.2
Streamer Linn DS
Setting Upnp Compatibility Off (tried On with DSD Off, show track On and Off)
One Lan cable attached to switch.

Issue: songs in queue cannot play continuously. Stop at every song.
Setup: Zenith MK3 3.2.2 with Sense running on Mac Sequoia 13.3.1 (Sense on Safari Browser) and IOS 18.3.2
- UPnP streamer: Nagra Streamer
- Tested with running native upnp with JPLAY control point and Sense with network streamer enabled.

Non-UPnP: Running Sense with USB audio output direct to the DAC, everything works correctly, all file types and very stable.

UPnP (non Innuos) Running JPLAY control point running on my MacBook Pro and also JPLAY IOS on my iPad works fine with the same music library (USB external drive) plugged into the USB port on a 2012 Mac mini music server running Minimserver and also Asset UPnP (version R2025-02-03), and everything works correctly - so I know the latest MAC version of Asset UPnP runs correctly and with the JPLAY the music server - Control Point and Nagra streamer all work ok.

When I turn off the Mac mini and go to the Zenith MK3, I've tried both native UPnP enabled (using JPLAY as the control point), and then with my preferred setup would be using using the Sense app with the Nagra streamer selected for a network audio device. Unfortunately, both of these modes are are not useable. Only about 20-30% of my tracks will. Weird how in an album some songs will play ok, some get skipped over, and some play with no audio. Mostly FLAC (16-24 bit and 44-48-88-96K files). DSD doesn't play, and oddly low Res MP3 / m4a don't play either. I tried all combinations in the Streamer Configuration setup, but nothing seems to work.

On the subset of songs that would play, I recorded them into a Apogee DAC to my MacBook Pro, so I could do listening tests of the Sense audio out, to the JPLAY (Minimserver, Asset UPnP and Zenith UPnP native mode), and the Sense running audio out to the Nagra Streamer is a tiny bit more wider sound stage and slightly less compressed sounding as compared to the JPLAY version, but only by a small edge. For now, I will stay with JPLAY controlling Asset UPnP on the MAC mini into the Nagra streamer, and hopefully Innuos can work out the UPnP kinks, as I think down the road having the Zenith as a music server running Sense into the Nagra streamer / Tube DAC will be my favorite setup.
I've just installed version 3.2.4 on my Statement and am now getting stuttering and jumping on Qobuz replay streamed to my Naim ND555 and Atom HE.

Both are fine playing music stored on the Statement HD and Qobuz streamed from the Naim app or from my Roon Nucleus, so it doesn't appear to be a Qobuz problem but something in the latest release.

None of the system settings for the Statement have been changed.
Maybe something went wrong with the install. Though the Statement shows the current version as 3.2.4 the installer tells me a new version is available (3.2.4) and that the version installed in 3.2.3.

I'm installing the new 3.2.4 now.....
My update to 3.2.4 went smooth and shows 3.2.4 (and no new install available) on a Zenith Mk3. I retired UPnP but about the same. Mostly not useable in my setup Zenith -> ethernet to Nagra Streamer -> Nagra Tube DAC both using Sense as the control point, or JPLAY.

Went back to Roon Core on the Zenith -> ethernet to Nagra Streamer -> Nagra Tube DAC, and all works extremely well, so I will stay with this setup for now and will retry on future revisions...
Still getting the occasional hiccup with Qobuz, but not as bad. Generally a jump to the beginning of the next / track movement, sometimes - but not always - just a few bars from the end. Sometimes you can listen to a whole track, but the problem will occur at least once on an album.
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In the case of UPnP, it is always worth a router reboot
I've now tried that, thanks.

Sadly, it didn't make a difference. As a last resort, I shut down and powered down the Statement, then switched it back on and restarted it several minutes later. But that didn't make any difference either.

So, unless I've had another installation glitch, it looks like the latest version has a problem that means it's not really useable for Qobuz with both my Naim streamers.
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