Sense App - Starting with a black screen on iOS devices


Staff member
Jan 10, 2024
We've seen some cases after an update where the app just occasionally starts with a blank screen on iOS devices. This seems to be due to some caching from the Safari webview that is used on the app. To resolve, please clear the Safari cache as described below:

1. On the iPad / iPhone, go to the Settings app;

2. On the left pane of the Settings app, search the entry for "Safari" and click on it;

3. On the right pane, scroll down and select "Clear History and Website Data";

4. Confirm the action by clicking the "Clear" button on the resulting window.

We are investigating to check the root cause for this so that in future updates this is not necessary.
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One simple solution to return to innuos sense is the following;
You should find the three Multi Task Dot on the center top of the black screen , tap the three dot and hit close the screen. Ipad wii show the home page,then hit the innuous sense App.
Black screen appeared twice today so first time I did as Dan recomended then second time as Vitorino said which in effect did the same thing and was quicker and so easier.
We are preparing a new version of the Sense App that uses a new technology. Although we can't easily reproduce this issue, we expect this to stop happening. Additionally, we should no longer have the spinning wheel when changing from another app. Once it's ready for public beta we'll let you know on a different post.
We are preparing a new version of the Sense App that uses a new technology. Although we can't easily reproduce this issue, we expect this to stop happening. Additionally, we should no longer have the spinning wheel when changing from another app. Once it's ready for public beta we'll let you know on a different post.
Good news, hopefully this will also resolve the long standing problem of using Sense with a MacBook.
Good news, hopefully this will also resolve the long standing problem of using Sense with a MacBook.
Just out of curiosity. What problems do you encounter? I am using my MacBook Pro with a Web App version of Sense (basically a Safari Tab as an App). No issues here. From my experience, devices not connecting to each other reliably are most often the result of local network setups and settings.
Just out of curiosity. What problems do you encounter? I am using my MacBook Pro with a Web App version of Sense (basically a Safari Tab as an App). No issues here. From my experience, devices not connecting to each other reliably are most often the result of local network setups and settings.
Apologise if I mix up terminologies, I can use Sense via browser but if I use as an app (MacBook M1) it frequently disconnects, means I have to keep window open which I prefer not to.
You can apply for the Beta app and you can try it out:

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Thanks, I usually tend to avoid any kind of beta testing, leaving it those more interested in the technological aspects. On reflection maybe this is the wrong attitude, Sense must work for all users. I will contact Stephen with my details.
You are now registered Malc, so you should now have access to the beta.
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We believe this issue now only applies to MacOS when running the mobile version of Sense app on desktop. This is very difficult to solve, so if you are a desktop/laptop user then the workaround is to simply run which should bypass this symptom altogether.