Solved Qobuz - Resync removes favourites


Stephen Healy

Staff member
Dec 21, 2023
Haywards Heath, UK
There has recently been a communications issue with the Qobuz service, resulting in saved Qobuz favourites of your library disappearing from Sense app after performing a Resync.
This happens regardless of which Innuos product and which firmware version you are running; the timing around 3.0.3 release is coincidental but not causal.
We are working with them to resolve and will resolve this Known Issue post when normal service has resumed.
I've been ok for about a week having lost & then retrieved them after a few reysncs/reboots.
Since then I've added half a dozen albums but make a point of adding in the Sense app rather than the Qobuz app.
The additions show in both Sense & Qobuz - for now at least.
Il y a récemment eu un problème de communication avec le service Qobuz, entraînant la disparition des favoris Qobuz enregistrés de votre bibliothèque de l'application Sense après avoir effectué une resynchronisation.
Cela se produit quel que soit le produit Innuos et la version du firmware que vous utilisez ; le timing autour de la sortie de la version 3.0.3 est une coïncidence mais pas une causalité.
Nous travaillons avec eux pour résoudre ce problème et nous le résoudrons lorsque le service normal aura repris.
Bonjour, pour ma part effectivement je n arrive plus à synchroniser depuis hier, mais avant ce problème la synchronisation n a jamais fonctionné, a chaude fois que je rajoute un album ou un titre je le fait manuellement. J ai aussi un autre problème sur l’organisation, l’organisation change à chaque fois, quand sélectionne ( ajout par date d enregistrement ) ça ne fonctionne pas, tout est mélangé.
Bonjour, pour ma part effectivement je n arrive plus à synchroniser depuis hier, mais avant ce problème la synchronisation n a jamais fonctionné, a chaude fois que je rajoute un album ou un titre je le fait manuellement. J ai aussi un autre problème sur l’organisation, l’organisation change à chaque fois, quand sélectionne ( ajout par date d enregistrement ) ça ne fonctionne pas, tout est mélangé.
You'll be pleased to know in Sense 3.1 update we are planning to make changes so that the system know when music was added on the streaming service itself, not just within Sense. So, music that is resynced into Sense will be date-ordered not by when it came into Sense, but when you saved it into Qobuz etc originally.
It seems to affect different users in different ways - for example, here in the UK office i have added my Qobuz account in to 3 different systems and all my favourites and playlists appeared without issue. This is part of the confusing nature of the issue they have.
Other brands have now also begun reporting this to Qobuz. We're at their mercy currently, and are still waiting for a solution.
Vous serez heureux d'apprendre que dans la mise à jour Sense 3.1, nous prévoyons d'apporter des modifications afin que le système sache quand la musique a été ajoutée sur le service de streaming lui-même, et pas seulement dans Sense. Ainsi, la musique resynchronisée dans Sense sera classée par date non pas en fonction de son arrivée dans Sense, mais de la date à laquelle vous l'avez enregistrée dans Qobuz, etc. à l'origine.
Merci pour votre réponse, avez vous une date de la mis à jour 3.1 ?
Do we need to be concerned by the new Qobuz terms suggesting stiff can be withdrawn from streaming and downloading? I was aware it already could be but is something else going on?
This actually brings a related topic: I do not necessarily want to sync all of my Qobuz "favorites" to Sense. I have some albums that I selected on Qobuz to try but then I only add the ones I really like to my Innuos library. At some point, there was an update to Sense that automatically re-synced with Qobuz. The problem is that when I remove from the Sense library it also removes it as a favorite from Qobuz... Would it be possible to:
1- sync selected albums
2- remove from Sense library and have to option to also remove from Qobuz favorites or not?
This actually brings a related topic: I do not necessarily want to sync all of my Qobuz "favorites" to Sense. I have some albums that I selected on Qobuz to try but then I only add the ones I really like to my Innuos library. At some point, there was an update to Sense that automatically re-synced with Qobuz. The problem is that when I remove from the Sense library it also removes it as a favorite from Qobuz... Would it be possible to:
1- sync selected albums
2- remove from Sense library and have to option to also remove from Qobuz favorites or not?
I think the easiest work around to this would simply to have a 'hide album' feature - this would give you the best of both worlds? Interestingly, we have never had a feature request for that.
I think the easiest work around to this would simply to have a 'hide album' feature - this would give you the best of both worlds? Interestingly, we have never had a feature request for that.
That would be awesome! And then a menu option for "show hidden albums".
Another Friday, another batch of Qobuz releases that can't be tagged as favourites in Sense. It has been over a month since this issue was reported and we have little feedback on, what the issue is, what is the extent of the problem and is there a pattern to the Innuos equipment affected. It may be a Qobuz issue but early on there were reports of Innuos support being able to rectify problem by accessing the users system.
It would be helpful if Innuos could update us on these issues.
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