Pulse newbie here.. Sense responsiveness wonky


New member
Nov 2, 2024
Hi everyone...Using Pulse playing files from NAS into Oppo 205 and having lots of issues with responsiveness of Android Sense app (and web app)...Pulse firmware is up to date

1. At start of DSD album, there is loud hiss, before first song plays. Other tracks are OK.

The following issues are irrespective of file format...
2. Play control is often unresponsive. If I want to pause a song, the control will change state to a Pause symbol, but playback continues.

3. Sometimes I hit Play and progress bar moves, but no audio is heard.

4. Often, I have hit Play and Pause repeatedly to get track to stop or start.

5. Quite often, once playback starts, the progress bar shoots to the end of the track while playback continues.

6. This weirdness jut happened - about 1:40 into a 3 minute-ish FLAC track, playback switches to the next track, yet progress bar (which is suddenly working) continues and previous track title is showing.

I have compacted my database, cleared app cache and data, even closed all other apps. Makes no difference. Is this normal behavior?

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Hi DBronx, welcome to the forum!
Regarding the DSD hiss, it's quite possibly a symtpom of the DAC behaviour. One thing you can try to help address this is go into the Sense Audio Settings for the connected DAC, and apply a sample rate delay. This feature is mainly to help with users who find that the DAC has a short pause when switching sample rates meaning that they miss the very first moments/opening of a track. You can try this as well to see if it can address the 'hiss'. To check, you are also running the PULSE in Native DSD mode?

As for the connectivity issues you describe, no this does not sound like typical behaviour. It could also be network dependent, does the PULSE have a direct connection back to your router?
Could you also let me know which model of Android device you are using?
Have you tried 'swiping up to close' the Sense app from the app drawer and relaunching to see if this gives you an immediate better connection?
Hi Stephen,

Thanks for replying.

To answer your questions I am running the Pulse in native DSD mode.

I'm not sure how to answer your question about a direct connection back to the router. the router is at the opposite end of the apartment and there are a total of 3 switches between the router and my rack. However, i have previously been using JRiver running on an Intel NUC, which none of the janky repsonse issues I'm experiencing now.

I just rebooting my router, am playing a 44.1/16 WAV file - the progress bar is at 1:07 and I hear nothing. I hit the next track button and it's still no audio. The only was to get audio, is to drag the progress bar directly. Song plays for about a minute and suddenly changes track on its own! I hit the next track button and 58 seconds later the next title appears on the Playing Now screen. These are instrumental tracks and I'm now so confused, I don't know what track I'm actually listening to!

I'm using a Samsumg Tab s8+ running Android 14 and One UI 6.1.1. BTW, the windows app (my.innnuos.com) mirrors the behavior of the tablet.

I've just restarted the album, hit play starts the progress bar with no audio. I have to hit the previous track button to hear audio. then at 1:03 the progress bar shoots to the end oof the line.

This experience has taken the joy out of listening to music!
You mentioned clearing the app cache, can i check if you were referring to the SETTINGS -> ADVANCED SETTINGS in Sense, and 'Clear Queue Cache'?
If you did this and the behaviour is still the same, then please use the Advanced Settings again to download the system logs, and send them to our support@innuos.com
Hi Steve.. Yes, that was the cache I cleared. Unfortuanately, I decided to return the unit to the dealer, so I can't send you any logs. But I do appreciate your responsiveness to my issue.