Phoenix USB Clocker - Audio Science Review

And @frank7036...
It is incredibly rude to open a thread on InnuOs own forum,.and accuse InnuOs of manufacturing "Snake Oil" products.

If you behave like that,.well then at least I am a man that stand up and confronts that kind of nonsense...
And also @SchiitMjolnir2 .

BUT,.now Stebbo seems to have disappeared, so we can return to the topic of the thread, to seriously exchange experiences regarding InnuO's Phoenix USB reclocker 😃.
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🔷 THEN,.I have a question for you frank7036.
You wrote earlier that you probably wouldn't buy an InnuOs Phoenix USB reclocker today,.even though you had one earlier.

Is it because you think it's too expensive, or that you thought the increase in sound quality was too small.?

I concur. I couldn't stand by and finally made an account after seeing that nonsense. Anyways, I think the Phoenix doesn't really add any color to the sound, but rather just increase the sense of rhythmic drive to the sound. The biggest difference would be swapping the streamers say a Pulse vs Pulsar which is a very noticeable difference just 1 second after you hit play while the Phoenix just increases the rhythmic drive (or dynamic range) up a little bit just like how a good digital system is supposed to sound like. Also, as good as the Phoenix USB is, you do still need to find that synergy in both USB cables and power cords as well to really dial things up to your palette
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Unfortunately there are too many people out there who are so committed to measurements and test results that it precludes anything else from being possible. I am a firm believer in that if I can hear a difference even if science says I should not then something must be right. I've no technical knowledge so cannot explain why.
Over the years I have tried various things including fuses, isolation things, power cables, mains conditioners etc some make a difference other's do not. These are my findings through listening. If someone else believes they hear no difference but I do (or visa versa) so be it but as the point was raised, one has to listen first.
For example when I first used supertweeters some 25 years ago the main belief was they could not make a difference as the human ear could not hear them. I immediately heard a difference. Others at the time could not. Strange how supertweeters are now accepted as improving sound with very few who deny it.
The major issue I have found with some things that testing says does not work but listening says it does is the price being asked makes it less palatable and gives the negative views substance "£200 for a fuse" I hear some shouting. And I agree. An extortionate price, that even it works, I for one could not justify but for those who can justify it I applaud them.
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