Language of Qobuz album info


New member
Aug 2, 2024
Here's an odd issue that I came across using Qobuz with Sense 3.03. I was looking at the album information for the Joni Mitchell Live at Newport album. When I look at it using the Qobuz Windows app, there is a review of the recording in English. If I look at the album info in the Sense app, there is a review by a different author in French. I live in the Province of Quebec, Canada, which is largely French speaking. So I'm wondering if the Sense app is perceiving from my IP address where I am located and defaulting to what it thinks is the preferred language. This is the first time I have seen this; other album information is in English. Has anyone else experienced something similar? More to the point, is there a way to tell the Sense app what language I would prefer?