Calling Sense 3 Beta Testers, who's in?

Sometimes Sense app can’t connect to my Zen mk3 at startup.
I have to reboot once, then its ok.
I haven’t experienced this before the update.
Reboot the app or reboot the ZEN? Can you describe in more detail the steps that you take?
Since installing Sense 3 Beta on my Zenith Mk3 I have experienced some issues with files stored on a NAS drive. In playlists compiled from a mix of NAS files and files stored on the server those from the NAS files have become unavailable (greyed out with a slash through the artwork) and have had to be re-added in order to be playable. Also PDF booklets for NAS albums do not appear and when I click on the booklet symbol I get the message "Something went wrong opening the file". I do not experience these problems with albums stored on the Zenith itself and did not have these problems before installing the new version of Sense.
Hi TonyK,

Do you still have playlists with this case? If so, please try and leave them like that for the moment. It may be useful to do a remote session so we can check your case directly. I'll get back to you on this as if confirmed, would need to be resolved before general launch. Thank you so much for reporting!

P.S. - Issue with PDF Booklets has been confirmed and will be resolved in the next beta update.
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Non c'è modo di collegare un HD esterno che possa essere letto anche dalla libreria? con coperture ecc
come quello che succede con l'archiviazione NAS?
No, we have found that this is prone to many issues and has a significant impact on sound quality. Technically it's easy to implement but hard to keep reliable. We prefer to provide a better user experience hence the existence of the internal storage. You can connect a USB drive and have a basic navigation and playback, which is useful for having a quick look on the music on a drive but full library indexing and having the drive permanently is something we have no plans to include.
Glitch? If you listen to a Playlist (in this case Qobuz) and you would search for a track and then click "Play next" it would not sort the track as the next but the one after the next in the Queue. I can reproduce it, do others have this issue as well?
I can confirm that Sense 3.0 Beta 11 solved this issue :)
Hi TonyK,

Do you still have playlists with this case? If so, please try and leave them like that for the moment. It may be useful to do a remote session so we can check your case directly. I'll get back to you on this as if confirmed, would need to be resolved before general launch. Thank you so much for reporting!

P.S. - Issue with PDF Booklets has been confirmed and will be resolved in the next beta update.
Hi Nino,

I have amended some of the affected playlists which now work correctly but I do still have one which I haven’t corrected yet.
Hi Nino,

I have amended some of the affected playlists which now work correctly but I do still have one which I haven’t corrected yet.
Sorry about this but I have just realised what has happened and it’s my mistake. I had moved the files concerned to the NAS after I’d compiled the playlists so the playlists were looking for the files in the wrong place.
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Hi Nuno, I guess it is just a matter of forcing to refresh the Playlist screen if something is added. I immediately get a notification that the track is added to the Playlist. But when I switch to the Playlist, it is not showing. Closing and reopening the Playlist shows the track however. The Playlist is not particularly big (47 tracks).
To be fair a similar issue has started to show up in 2.6.3 when adding singles, EPs from Qobuz. They used to just appear in the Library. I now have to go back and come back in to get stuff to appear. It’s becoming quite an irritant.
What is the new feature:
  • Multiple album editing options have been combined into a single smart 'Merge Album' feature
I do not seem to have any such option. If I select multiple albums, "Merge Album" is greyed out... Is this where we are supposed tone able to edit multiple albums together such as the spelling of a composer across albums for example?
Just installed 3.0 Sense, it took less than 10 minutes on my Statement Next Gen. Using iPad Pro III Gen OS 17.1.

It works flawlessly and sounds great. I like the idea to enlarge the cover album image, but in landscape it seems cut on right and left sides (in portrait on the contrary the image appears correctly).
If possible, in the Now Playing bar on the bottom, I’d appreciate the track number/total track numbers in a more viewable font size (now it’s very difficult to read, too small font).

Thanks and congrats, well done!
Indeed, in landscape mode, the enlarged image is truncated...
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What is the new feature:
  • Multiple album editing options have been combined into a single smart 'Merge Album' feature
I do not seem to have any such option. If I select multiple albums, "Merge Album" is greyed out... Is this where we are supposed tone able to edit multiple albums together such as the spelling of a composer across albums for example?
No, Merge Albums is designed to make all the selected albums into a single album. This will only work with local albums or albums stored on NAS so if any of the selected albums is from Qobuz/TIDAL, Merge Albums will be greyed out.
Tidal connect is not gapless…….
That may depend on combination of software and hardware: I noted for example that Qobuz tracks are not gapless wifi play them to my Yamaha receiver through UPnP (controlled directly by Sense) but they are gapless when played to my Devialet through USB. The same album played from local on the Zenith is gapless both on Devialet/USB and Yamaha/UPnP... This was already the case with 2.x
No, Merge Albums is designed to make all the selected albums into a single album. This will only work with local albums or albums stored on NAS so if any of the selected albums is from Qobuz/TIDAL, Merge Albums will be greyed out.
Thanks. I must have done something wrong, it now is available, but then what is new in 3.0:
  • Multiple album editing options have been combined into a single smart 'Merge Album' feature
What makes it smart and what are the multiple album editing options?
Thanks. I must have done something wrong, it now is available, but then what is new in 3.0:
  • Multiple album editing options have been combined into a single smart 'Merge Album' feature
What makes it smart and what are the multiple album editing options?
We'll have a post on InnSights soon about this in detail. In summary, you don't need to think about the reason the album was split, either because it was multiformat or compilation or had a different name (or all of them). The wizard will take you step by step and do all the changes in one single operation.