Calling Sense 3 Beta Testers, who's in?


For the first time, we are opening our Beta test versions for all of the community. No better way to start than with the new Sense 3!
Sense 3 will be available for all ZEN Mk3 Series, PULSE Series and Statement. Unfortunately the Mk2 platform is too old for the new OS. It has had around 8 years of free software updates, which is something not many companies do!

Before you jump in please do consider the following points:
  • While we have already tested the beta releases before going to public, there are chances of still having glitches, potentially even that may stop you from being able to listen to your music. You may have to live with this for a few days until the situation is resolved.
  • Once you have installed a beta version, you will not be able to revert to your previous version. You will, naturally, be able to install the final version with no intervention from Innuos.
  • Make a backup before applying the Beta to ensure you data is fully safeguarded

What’s new​

  • Introducing TIDAL Connect
  • Allow to hide playlists in the playlists page
  • Additional sorting for playlists
  • New Playlist filters
  • It's now possible to add all tracks from a Qobuz, TIDAL and Sense playlist to new or existing Sense playlists
  • It's now possible to add all tracks from a TIDAL/Qobuz playlist to a user-created TIDAL/Qobuz playlist
  • It's now possible to remove and change position of tracks on user-created TIDAL/Qobuz Playlists
  • It's now possible to save a queue with only Qobuz/TIDAL tracks directly into a Qobuz/TIDAL playlist
  • Support for Qobuz Collaborative Playlists
  • Multiple album editing options have been combined into a single smart 'Merge Album' feature
  • Added support for expandable storage for ZEN NG and ZENith NG
  • Added support for using an external optical Drive for the ZEN NG and ZENith NG
  • Improved UI for alphabetic index sliders
  • Clicking/touching the album cover on the Now Playing screen opens a larger version of the cover
  • Improve NAS status check performance when rescanning a folder
  • Fixed missing information when accessing the track info in 'Now Playing' screen for Deezer tracks
  • Fixed issue that caused a Qobuz section to be shown at the bottom of every album even when Qobuz was logged out
  • Fixed issue with volume slider in iOS devices"

Applying for Beta​

  • Start a conversation with our QA manager. To do this, click on the mail icon on the top right of the this page and click on “Start a new conversation”. Choose “Angelica” as recipient.
  • On Subject please use “Application for Beta Tester”. Let us know your name and the serial number for your unit.
  • Once you get a response from QA that it has been enabled, go to Sense > System > Update and the beta version should be available there for testing

Reporting an Issue​

  • If you find an issue while beta testing, please check this thread first in case it has already been reported. If that’s the case, click on the “Like” as that will give us an idea of how many are experiencing the issue.
  • If it’s a new issue, just post on this thread and we will respond here.

Enjoy the new features!
Hi Nino

I was just talking to customer support about whether to try HQPlayer endpoint. I was pointed to your new forum and the 3.0 beta.

I'm a big fan of Sense but a fairly basic user - just albums, no playlists. Besides the improved functionality, are there meant to be sound quality improvements as well?

Happy to beta test if there are sound quality aspects.

Glitch? If you listen to a Playlist (in this case Qobuz) and you would search for a track and then click "Play next" it would not sort the track as the next but the one after the next in the Queue. I can reproduce it, do others have this issue as well?
Another glitch? If I would open a locally stored Playlist then search for a track, add that track to the Playlist and switch back to the Playlist the new track would not show up. The system has acknowledged the add-on however and if you would try it a second time it would note that there is duplicate already in place. So the Playlist display does not seem to update, as after closing and reopening it, it would show the track.
Hi Nino

I was just talking to customer support about whether to try HQPlayer endpoint. I was pointed to your new forum and the 3.0 beta.

I'm a big fan of Sense but a fairly basic user - just albums, no playlists. Besides the improved functionality, are there meant to be sound quality improvements as well?

Happy to beta test if there are sound quality aspects.

Most of the sound improvements are tailored for the new ZEN NG due to the hardware customization but there are some benefits too for the existing platforms. Would be good to get an idea whether you can hear them or not ;-)
Need to report another annoying issue on iPad Pro III Gen OS 17.1 and Sense App. Every time Sense goes on background while I’m playing music, coming back it appears a black page and the only way to proceed is restarting Sense. It shows the initial page with the server selection, like if I opened it. In the meantime the music continues flawlessly, it’s just the App that seems freezed.
Hi Luca,

Have you tried this:

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Another glitch? If I would open a locally stored Playlist then search for a track, add that track to the Playlist and switch back to the Playlist the new track would not show up. The system has acknowledged the add-on however and if you would try it a second time it would note that there is duplicate already in place. So the Playlist display does not seem to update, as after closing and reopening it, it would show the track.
Is it a playlist that already has a lot of tracks? Did you get a notification on top of the screen the track was added successfully? What I have noticed is that when adding a track to a larger playlist, it can take a few seconds until the confirmation appears. Try waiting 10 seconds then navigate to the playlist and let me know if in that case the track is already there. Regardless, we'll check why it's taking time to add the track as it should be quick. If it's confirmed to be a matter of time this will be unlikely to be optimised for 3.0 but will be on our backlog for a next update.
Is it a playlist that already has a lot of tracks? Did you get a notification on top of the screen the track was added successfully? What I have noticed is that when adding a track to a larger playlist, it can take a few seconds until the confirmation appears. Try waiting 10 seconds then navigate to the playlist and let me know if in that case the track is already there. Regardless, we'll check why it's taking time to add the track as it should be quick. If it's confirmed to be a matter of time this will be unlikely to be optimised for 3.0 but will be on our backlog for a next update.
Hi Nuno, I guess it is just a matter of forcing to refresh the Playlist screen if something is added. I immediately get a notification that the track is added to the Playlist. But when I switch to the Playlist, it is not showing. Closing and reopening the Playlist shows the track however. The Playlist is not particularly big (47 tracks).
Hi Luca,

Have you tried this:

Hi Nuno,

I’ve just tried to do that. Unfortunately it didn’t solve the issue. Jumping from Sense to Safari and back, still shows the black screen and I have to relaunch Sense App. The playback works flawlessly, it means that the music continues, just the screen does not.
Hi Nuno, I guess it is just a matter of forcing to refresh the Playlist screen if something is added. I immediately get a notification that the track is added to the Playlist. But when I switch to the Playlist, it is not showing. Closing and reopening the Playlist shows the track however. The Playlist is not particularly big (47 tracks).
I double checked. It would not matter, if the Playlist is currently playing music or not. I would open the Playlist, click the Search button, add a track and then the Music button. The track would only show up after closing the Playlist (top left back arrow) and reopening it. When the list is currently playing it would not update the Queue (not sure if is supposed to do so, as it technically becomes a Queue. Adding a track to a Queue would update the Queue display.
Glitch? If you listen to a Playlist (in this case Qobuz) and you would search for a track and then click "Play next" it would not sort the track as the next but the one after the next in the Queue. I can reproduce it, do others have this issue as well?
I checked again. This only happens when adding Qobuz tracks to a Qobuz playlist.
I checked again. This only happens when adding Qobuz tracks to a Qobuz playlist.
Understood. in a nutshell, on a Qobuz playlist that is currently playing, if we add a Qobuz track to that playlist, the playlist will not update automatically but rather needs to go back and open the playlist again. Is that accurate?
Hi Nuno,

I’ve just tried to do that. Unfortunately it didn’t solve the issue. Jumping from Sense to Safari and back, still shows the black screen and I have to relaunch Sense App. The playback works flawlessly, it means that the music continues, just the screen does not.

Do you have another Apple device to try? Just trying to determine if this is specific to the iPad Pro as we can't reproduce this here.
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Understood. in a nutshell, on a Qobuz playlist that is currently playing, if we add a Qobuz track to that playlist, the playlist will not update automatically but rather needs to go back and open the playlist again. Is that accurate?
Hi Nuno, Sorry. I know this is confusing. It is two separate glitches, one related to the Qobuz queue, the other one to a local (mixed) Playlists. I can send screen videos to the support email address if you like.
Since installing Sense 3 Beta on my Zenith Mk3 I have experienced some issues with files stored on a NAS drive. In playlists compiled from a mix of NAS files and files stored on the server those from the NAS files have become unavailable (greyed out with a slash through the artwork) and have had to be re-added in order to be playable. Also PDF booklets for NAS albums do not appear and when I click on the booklet symbol I get the message "Something went wrong opening the file". I do not experience these problems with albums stored on the Zenith itself and did not have these problems before installing the new version of Sense.
Sometimes Sense app can’t connect to my Zen mk3 at startup.
I have to reboot once, then its ok.
I haven’t experienced this before the update.
Not sure if this is related to the same issue. But when this happens on my iOS and on iPadOS devices they would reconnect after turning WiFi off and on again (on the mobile devices).
Non c'è modo di collegare un HD esterno che possa essere letto anche dalla libreria? con coperture ecc
come quello che succede con l'archiviazione NAS?
I have sent the screen recordings.

Many thanks for this - this is quite clear. Our QA is ensuring they can reproduce and if so I'll add them to the Known Issues.
Given they are not serious bugs, they will only be resolved on a update after the launch of 3.0 as otherwise it's a slippery slope of delays...
But please do report what you find so we can schedule the solution accordingly.
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