Time to upgrade Pulse to Zen NG or add Phoenix NET instead


New member
Jul 1, 2024

I currently have an Innuos Pulse with a Phoenix USB feeding into a Bricasti M1S2 DAC. The plan is to upgrade the streaming system in the third quarter of 2025. Would I be better served replacing the Pulse and Phoenix USB with a Zen NG with the Phoenix Lite added or by adding a Phoenix NET switch? Ultimately I will probably add both but not until sometime next year. Recommendations?
Some questions:
1) Have you upgraded the M1 power supply to Briscati LPS - it is an older, but worthwhile upgrade.
2) Are you sure the PhoenixUSB makes a big difference with your Briscati, and, are you expecting to upgrade your DAC in the next couple of years?
3) How much storage do you want, go for more storage up front. If you are using the Innuos as storage & playback (i.e no NAS etc.) and have a liking for hi-res PCM or DSD then 4tB on-board direct storage is IMO minimum.
4) How much streaming do you listen to?

The NG line are a big cost and performance upgrade, but certainly more versatile for the long run.
IMO the PhoenixNET provides a bigger improvement to music playback but it’s limited to streaming.
The PhoenixUSB (or USBLite) uplift is very much dependent on the DAC.
Both of the Phoenix boxes have well established competitors in the market. You could try one of those (or the PhoenixNET) for demonstration/performance trial before you purchase a NG unit.

For clarity I do own a ZenithNG + i2s module and both Phoenix boxes. I am trying to optimise my streaming experience as well as digital playback.
@frank7036 Thanks for response:

1) The Bricasti is a full M1S2 with all the current upgrades. I compared it with the Chord Dave (with the M-Scaler), Mola Mola Tambaqui, and Weiss 502. I preferred the Bricasti and only plan to upgrade if Bricasti generates an upgrade. I did consider the Bricasti M21 but really did not feel it was much of an upgrade from the M1S2 in the system I heard it in. I was not able to try it in my system.

2) The USB did have an incremental effect. Was it worth the cost? Maybe. I plan to include the same function with the Phoenix USB Lite when I upgrade the Pulse.

3) I utilize NAS (limited because the quality is below the performance of my SACD player and Qobuz HD streaming. The NAS is just a bit below the standard Qobuz options. I would probably move the NAS files to the Zen NG. Currently need under 2TB but would probably opt for more.

4) I am probably streaming 80% of my music with 10% vinyl, and 10% NAS/SACD. The system is on 12 to 14 hours per day.

5) I did reach out to a different brand regarding their Ethernet Switch (compares favorably with Innuos) and they recommended a low-cost solution to try and see if it made a difference with d-link dgs 105 and an ifi power2 5v psu. There was an incremental change with instrument/voice isolation and soundstage configuration. I could not detect a 'darker background' that some mention. The temporary solution was only $100 but worked. Made me wonder what a Phoenix NET or comparable switch would accomplish.

Just an FYI, I tried I2S connections when I was looking at DACs and decided that the USB connection with the Phoenix USB was the preferred solution for my system.
I’d say try before you purchase, and, particularly try improving the network signal quality to the streamer before purchasing a Innuos NG unit.
Since the upgrade you are considering is not until Q3 I would suggest not putting too much thought around this right now because we will likely be looking at a different landscape by that time, as tends to happen for the whole industry after every Munich show!
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