Qobuz resync issue


New member
Jun 7, 2024
Has anyone had issues with Qobuz resync since the v3 update ... I just resyncd for the first time since updating earlier in the week - over 80 albums that I added months or in some cases years ago have been displayed in my New Music view !! ... I've raised it with support, but wondered if anyone else has experienced this issue.

(PS I resync'd last week, prior to the update, and none of these albums showed in New Music then)
Today I have tried to resolve this issue with no success - in fact I've made things worse !!

I decided to logout of Qobuz - then did a rescan - then Compress Music Library - then I restarted - then logged back into Qobuz

Now instead of seeing some spurious older Qobuz favourites at the top of my New Albums view, I have all my Qobuz favourites but in no obvious order

I went into my Qobuz account (using Qobuz web browser) ... my favourites are still correctly displayed there in "Date Added" order - the date and time shown clearly does not correlate with the date and time you have picked up to display in Sense

I think you need to look at the date & time that you are picking up from Qobuz to use for Sense ... if you were picking up the date shown on Qobuz then I would be seeing Qobuz entries weaved in amongst my own additions to my internal library

I really hope you can help with this as my New Music views and Album views have been truly messed up since installing v3.0

Hi @J_C ,

Currently, and since Qobuz integration, the Added Date to Qobuz/TIDAL albums added to the library was the date they were synced from Qobuz/TIDAL, not the date they were added to Qobuz/TIDAL. This is a change we are working on now as we got access to be able to get this information only fairly recently. We expect on version 3.1 to have the albums when sorted by Most Recent as well as New Music, to take into consideration the date they were added to the streaming service and not the date they were synced into Sense.

Hope this helps clarifying.
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Hi Nuno - thank you for this - if you can use the date they were "favourited" in the streaming service and that can be saved as a default, so each time you go into New Music view it will show the most recent "favourites" then that will be exactly as I would expect that view to work

Just checking that we are not talking cross purposes - when you say "date they were added to the streaming service" do you mean the date the user "favourited" the album [i.e. not the date that Qobuz or Tidal added the album to their streaming service] ??

I looks like we are still none the wiser as to why, following the first Resync after version 3.0, many of my albums (that I added a long time ago and I have resync'd regularly since) bubbled up to the top of the New Music view .... I'd love to know how that happened - it must be some sort of bug.

As mentioned in email - at least 2 other people have reported the same issue on the Facebook user group.

Thanks for the update - I hope v3.1 sorts out my problem

In the meantime I have added a couple of new albums (one a rip CD and one a drag & drop file) ... and I have "favourited" some new ones on Qobuz and resync'd ... all these are displayed at the front of New Music followed by the "strange" Qobuz ones as expected ... so at least the new stuff is displaying as expected

Cheers J
Hi, I am one of the people discussing this issue with you over on the Facebook User Group. Like yourself after updating to 3 my 'new music' was all over the place, made no sense and didn't reflect when these albums were added. Albums I have added since the update behave as they should and are added in date order. It's quite a useful feature which prompts me to listen to a few new things, hopefully things can be resolved.
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Hi, I am one of the people discussing this issue with you over on the Facebook User Group. Like yourself after updating to 3 my 'new music' was all over the place, made no sense and didn't reflect when these albums were added. Albums I have added since the update behave as they should and are added in date order. It's quite a useful feature which prompts me to listen to a few new things, hopefully things can be resolved.
Thanks Malc, Julian
My issue is not with Quboz or any streamin. All my music is local to my storage but the fact that discs that were previously imported show as the latest addition to New Music. Usually 2-3 discs are shown as new after backin up my Zenith Mk 3. It's happened each time I back-up/ Also, the volume control no longer works after the last update
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The algorithm as it stands now looks a bit random but we have already changed this for version 3.1. A beta of 3.1 should be available in about 3 weeks as we will start internal release testing next week. Given this will be changed then, I'd suggest rather than further pursuing this we should test on 3.1. I will check with the team to ensure when doing the re-sync that these dates will be re-fetched as Sense normally does not get data back again from the streaming service if it's already on the database. More to come soon.
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The algorithm as it stands now looks a bit random but we have already changed this for version 3.1. A beta of 3.1 should be available in about 3 weeks as we will start internal release testing next week. Given this will be changed then, I'd suggest rather than further pursuing this we should test on 3.1. I will check with the team to ensure when doing the re-sync that these dates will be re-fetched as Sense normally does not get data back again from the streaming service if it's already on the database. More to come soon.
Fantastic - thanks Nuno - good to have the dates re-fetched, it may make the Resync take a little longer but it will ensure that its always in line with how things have been "favourited" in Qobuz ... for instance I will often "unfavourite" an album on Qobuz then "favourite" it again [sometimes because pre-release albums will appear months ahead of release with a "taster" track to play] to bring it to the top of the pile for playing as "New Music" is always my go-to place for playing Qobuz and internal stored albums in Sense, Naim & UPNP apps - I'm sure a lot of folk do similar
Thanks again for your help and involvement, J