Innuos Phoenix USB


New member
Jun 8, 2024
Appreciate any insights from Phoenix USB owners, I’m looking to add this to my Zen MK 3, what improvement levels should I expect? The Phoenix will feed into my Denafrips Terminator 2, which has a great clock in it already. Will there be that much of an improvement? Thanks.
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I just installed the Phoenix USB yesterday between my Eversolo DMP-A6 streamer and a PS Audio Direct Stream MK1 DAC. I am using a Cardas Clear cable between the streamer and the Phoenix USB with the Innuos stock USB between the Phoenix and the DAC. I have a second higher end cable arriving in a few days to replace the stock unit. The differences in casual listening are minimal. A little sharper tone.

With critical listening I noticed improved instrument and voice placement, including improved height from the instruments/vocals. The soundstage width did not widen, but the depth did improve slightly. My Pulse arrives later this week. I am looking forward to the results and will report on them on the thread I started this week.
Keep in mind that on the Phoenix devices, the OCXO clock can take a good 2 or 3 days to reach peak performance. Furthermore, the PSU section and capacitors will is similar to an amplifier in that it will take a couple of weeks before 'breaking in'. You should find the sound will continue to improve in the coming weeks

I just installed the Phoenix USB yesterday between my Eversolo DMP-A6 streamer and a PS Audio Direct Stream MK1 DAC. I am using a Cardas Clear cable between the streamer and the Phoenix USB with the Innuos stock USB between the Phoenix and the DAC. I have a second higher end cable arriving in a few days to replace the stock unit. The differences in casual listening are minimal. A little sharper tone.

With critical listening I noticed improved instrument and voice placement, including improved height from the instruments/vocals. The soundstage width did not widen, but the depth did improve slightly. My Pulse arrives later this week. I am looking forward to the results and will report on them on the thread I started this week.
I had the A6 liked it a lot, and I think you will find a significant step up with the Pulse. I also thought my Zen Innuos OS was better than the Eversolo OS. Enjoy, look forward to hearing how the Pulse/Phoenix combo works for you. I’ve been thinking of adding the Phoenix to my Zen/Denafrips T2 set up. My Pinetree Audio Banshee USB cable is a nice up from the standard USB cable provided.👍🏻
Received the Pinetree Banshee and replaced the stock Innuos USB cable. The person I purchased the Phoenix USB from added a Cardis Clear USB to seal the deal. I did some a/b/c/d testing today. 1st was the two Innuos stock cables. Then tried the Cardis between the Phoenix and Pulse, then the Pulse and Direct Stream. Did the same with the Pinetree. All four combos were better than stock. Then tried the Cardis and Pinetree together. Actually heard an improvement. Tried switching them and heard no difference. Glad to have the Cardis and Pinetree with the Innuos and PS Audio streaming set.
Keep in mind that on the Phoenix devices, the OCXO clock can take a good 2 or 3 days to reach peak performance
Hi Stephen Healy 🙂...
This applies to InnuO's streamers,.Zen series, Pulsar series and Statement as well, right.?
OR,.is your example above that it takes this time when the OCXO clock is new.?
As when a product with OCXO clock is "burn-in", I have heard that one hour of "heating up" the OXCO clock is enough...
Is it true.?
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Hi Stephen Healy 🙂...
This applies to InnuO's streamers,.Zen series, Pulsar series and Statement as well, right.?
OR,.is your example above that it takes this time when the OCXO clock is new.?
As when a product with OCXO clock is "burn-in", I have heard that one hour of "heating up" the OXCO clock is enough...
Is it true.?
Hi Peder, apologies for the slow reply, i was busy at CanJam in London these last few days!
The rule of allowing a few days to reach peak performance on the clock is in relation to the 3ppb OCXO clock, so that would apply specifically to PULSAR, STATEMENT, both Phoenix devices and also the new ZEN & ZENith NG. A 1 hour period seems optimistic..
The much longer 'burn-in' period for the PSU section applies to basically any device with linear power, so in our case that is all of them except the 'minis'.
so that would apply specifically to PULSAR, STATEMENT, both Phoenix devices and also the new ZEN & ZENith NG.
Thank you for your informative and clarifying reply Stephen.
Then I also conclude,.that there may be a future upgrade of Zen/Zenith mk3 in view of what you write.

But it's hardly something you can tell me about now,.or..😉...
Thank you for your informative and clarifying reply Stephen.
Then I also conclude,.that there may be a future upgrade of Zen/Zenith mk3 in view of what you write.

But it's hardly something you can tell me about now,.or..😉...
Of course there will be a replacement to the Mk3 series at some stage, but as mentioned elsewhere this will not come very soon.
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