Innuos newbie - several problems


New member
Dec 13, 2024
Hi there,

I've recently purchased a ZENith MK3 4TB.
I'm coming from roon and read about the better sounding sense app but before I can do a longterm comparison in my setup, I need to get it running probably.
I've set up a library in sense with both local files and streaming services and also as roon core, so I can switch. I hoped for faster switching between the two but I can except the minute.
What I noticed from the beginning is that there are gapless playback problems that I don't have playing the same album with roon or the native app of my streamer (I'm not using the ZENith as a streamer). I found that there is the possibility to change settings within the logitech media server but I only found that the crossfade can be enabled and modified. Is that something you have adjusted?

When I use sense, sometimes there is no coverartwork shown on my streamer display. How can I change this for good?
Never had this issue with my roon nucleus and also not when I'm using roon on the ZENith.

Is there a way I can merge local stored albums if I have the same album in Qobuz or Tidal (show as one)- like roon does?

I'm missing "last played" albums on the home screen. By far the most important widget.

I found a plugin in the logitech media server settings called band's campout for but it doesn't seem to work in the sense app?

Thanks in advance for your help
Some of your issues are unfamiliar to me, but to the best of my knowledge:

1. Gapless playback: Sense has no settings for this, afaik. I believe gapless playback is determined by an album's / track's metadata.

2. Cover Art: If an album stored on your ZENith lacks cover art, you can add it as follows: Go to the album's page, click the "..." icon in the top right corner, then select "Edit Album."

3. Merge local album with album on Qobuz / Tidal: Not supported, afaik.

4. Last Played Albums on home screen: Not supported, but you can display Last Played Tracks. To do so, from the home screen, click the pencil icon in the top right corner, then select the relevant checkbox. Note you can also arrange the order items are displayed on the page: Click and drag the "=" icon at the left of each item.

5. Logitech/ Bandcamp pugin: Sorry can't help here.
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Some of your issues are unfamiliar to me, but to the best of my knowledge:

1. Gapless playback: Sense has no settings for this, afaik. I believe gapless playback is determined by an album's / track's metadata.

2. Cover Art: If an album stored on your ZENith lacks cover art, you can add it as follows: Go to the album's page, click the "..." icon in the top right corner, then select "Edit Album."

3. Merge local album with album on Qobuz / Tidal: Not supported, afaik.

4. Last Played Albums on home screen: Not supported, but you can display Last Played Tracks. To do so, from the home screen, click the pencil icon in the top right corner, then select the relevant checkbox. Note you can also arrange the order items are displayed on the page: Click and drag the "=" icon at the left of each item.

5. Logitech/ Bandcamp pugin: Sorry can't help here.

1. strange that it works in roon from the same files then.
2. Its not displayed on the streamer display. There is no problem with the files but sometimes they are not shown.
3. I think so too, too bad.
4. Yeah I know but last played tracks are kind of irrelevant
I must point out that if you are not using the ZENith as a streamer via USB, then you must essentially be using UPnP or SenseUPnP. This is not the context with which people are comparing Roon vs Sense for sound quality, where across USB we use our own custom player engine. It sounds like you are comparing Roon versus UPnP, and this also accounts for your issues with gapless and artwork being displayed.
Any difference you hear in sound between Roon and SenseUPnP is not coming from Sense, but instead coming from the UPnP media player in your streamer.