
  1. L

    Is there a way to purchase albums from Quobuz using iPad?

    Love Sense App and streaming music from Quobuz, but I’d like to purchase albums “on the go” each time I find one that I like more than others. What? I mean: using just the iPad (my controller - no computer available in my music room) I’d like to - find an Album via Sense App - purchase it...
  2. D

    Innuos newbie - several problems

    Hi there, I've recently purchased a ZENith MK3 4TB. I'm coming from roon and read about the better sounding sense app but before I can do a longterm comparison in my setup, I need to get it running probably. I've set up a library in sense with both local files and streaming services and also as...
  3. Stephen Healy

    Sense Changelogs

    Here is the list of all Changelogs for software updates to Sense (previously referred to as innuOS) containing new features, bug fixes, and other performance tweaks. For older release notes relating to innuOS 1.x, please follow the link to our Knowledge Base...