Buying Hi-Res albums


Nov 22, 2024
Want to buy some hi-res albums from Qobuz download store, which format is the best to choose from for Innuos (flac, alac, wav, aiff...) or which format is recommended by Innuos?
Why not download both a WAV and FLAC file of the same album and listen to both. If you cannot hear any difference , or, the difference is so small it doesn’t matter to you, then choose the format you want to continue with?
There isn’t any “right or wrong” here.
AFAIK Qobuz doesn’t allow the user to choose the level of compression of their FLAC files, they are what they are.
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yes I know, do you use uncompressed flac as Innuos suggest?
I use FLAC when available and have some stuff as MP3 when that’s all that’s available.

Tried FLAC v WAV etc. and could hear no difference. Have always been able to hear differences on stuff like cables etc.

I try before I buy with Hi-Res and it’s served me well. Occasionally it’s better. Mostly it’s different but not better.
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Want to buy some hi-res albums from Qobuz download store, which format is the best to choose from for Innuos (flac, alac, wav, aiff...) or which format is recommended by Innuos?
I actually have a question for you since you know more than I (total streaming newbie) - I don't even know how to access the qobuz purchase/download section via the sense app... is that possible? I thought it had to be downloaded elsewhere, then transferred to innuos mk3....

mahalo in advance if you can explain
I actually have a question for you since you know more than I (total streaming newbie) - I don't even know how to access the qobuz purchase/download section via the sense app... is that possible? I thought it had to be downloaded elsewhere, then transferred to innuos mk3....

mahalo in advance if you can explain
you have to purchase on qobuz website and can download it. via sense app you have to sync also your purchased music with qobuz but then you only get the qobuz version in your library. or you can safe your purchased album on a nas or server and have access to it via sense app. hope that helps…