Sorting albums

Simon W

New member
Jun 7, 2024
Please give me consistent options to sort albums. Specifically,

From Music->Albums, I can already choose among ‘By Album’ which is alphabetical, ‘By Artist’, ‘By Added Date’, and ‘By Date’. This is great.

From Music->Artists->(any artist with more than 4 albums)->My Library->Show All. Here I cannot choose the sort order. It’s by added date, I think. I wish I can choose between that and alphabetical. Maybe by release date too.

From Music->Artists->(any artist with more than 4 albums in Qobuz)->Qobuz … Albums by (artist)->Show All. Here, I can choose the sorting among ‘By Release Date’ and ‘By Relevance’. No alphabetical sorting, though.

From Music->Genres&Tags->(any tag). Here I can choose among ‘album’, ‘artist’, ‘all artist’, and ‘composer’. Choosing ‘album’ here means albums are sorted by artist then by added date(?). This is a little inconsistent, but useful most of the time. It’ll be nice if I can also choose to sort alphabetically or just by release date.

Thank you.
This is something that has been touched upon for awhile on the feedback zone, so do feel free to add your vote here: