BIOS Update for ZENmini Mk3 with serials starting with 20


Staff member
Jan 10, 2024
All ZENmini Mk3 units with a serial number starting with 20 will need a firmware update for the mainboard (BIOS) in order to prevent future issues.


This update applies only to ZENmini Mk3 music servers with a serial number starting with 20. Other ZENmini Mk3 do no require the update.
This update should be applied only to a system that is working normally. This BIOS update will not resolve issues.

You will need:
  1. Monitor/TV with HDMI input
  2. USB Keyboard
  3. Free USB stick with at least 1GB

How to Update​

You can download the full instructions for the update here: BIOS Update manual
The ISO image with the update can be downloaded here: BIOS Update Image

Need Help?​

If you need help applying this firmware update, please contact your Innuos dealer for help. Any issues while updating please contact Innuos Support and we'll be happy to help.
All ZENmini Mk3 units with a serial number starting with 20 will need a firmware update for the mainboard (BIOS) in order to prevent future issues.


This update applies only to ZENmini Mk3 music servers with a serial number starting with 20. Other ZENmini Mk3 do no require the update.
This update should be applied only to a system that is working normally. This BIOS update will not resolve issues.

You will need:
  1. Monitor/TV with HDMI input
  2. USB Keyboard
  3. Free USB stick with at least 1GB

How to Update​

You can download the full instructions for the update here: BIOS Update manual
The ISO image with the update can be downloaded here: BIOS Update Image

Need Help?​

If you need help applying this firmware update, please contact your Innuos dealer for help. Any issues while updating please contact Innuos Support and we'll be happy to help.

All ZENmini Mk3 units with a serial number starting with 20 will need a firmware update for the mainboard (BIOS) in order to prevent future issues.


This update applies only to ZENmini Mk3 music servers with a serial number starting with 20. Other ZENmini Mk3 do no require the update.
This update should be applied only to a system that is working normally. This BIOS update will not resolve issues.

You will need:
  1. Monitor/TV with HDMI input
  2. USB Keyboard
  3. Free USB stick with at least 1GB

How to Update​

You can download the full instructions for the update here: BIOS Update manual
The ISO image with the update can be downloaded here: BIOS Update Image

Need Help?​

If you need help applying this firmware update, please contact your Innuos dealer for help. Any issues while updating please contact Innuos Support and we'll be happy to help.
Hi Nuno. My zen mk3 serial nr is 2000000003139. I presume I need to update the BIOS. If I don't, what issues will I have in the future?
Hi Nuno. My zen mk3 serial nr is 2000000003139. I presume I need to update the BIOS. If I don't, what issues will I have in the future?


The BIOS update will make the system more resilient to issues with filesystem corruption on the system. They are fairly rare but can happen and when they do they might even require having the system back to us for service. There's also improvements in terms of power management of the mainboard. This is the BIOS version that existing systems ship and has been extensively tested. Systems with serial 21 and above have a BIOS version that can be updated directly via the OS that's why only the series starting on 20 will need to apply via this method.
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The BIOS update will make the system more resilient to issues with filesystem corruption on the system. They are fairly rare but can happen and when they do they might even require having the system back to us for service. There's also improvements in terms of power management of the mainboard. This is the BIOS version that existing systems ship and has been extensively tested. Systems with serial 21 and above have a BIOS version that can be updated directly via the OS that's why only the series starting on 20 or below will need to apply via this method.
Just to clarify. In the comment you are mentioning "... starting on 20 or below". In the general description it says "starting with 20". I guess the general description is right? Otherwise I have to download as well. I have SN: 18020 ...
Just to clarify. In the comment you are mentioning "... starting on 20 or below". In the general description it says "starting with 20". I guess the general description is right? Otherwise I have to download as well. I have SN: 18020 ...

You're right - I've corrected the "below". Only the units starting on 20 need the firmware update. Units starting on 18 or 19 are not required to do the update, although there is no harm done if they do.
Hi. I tried doing this but the

The BIOS update will make the system more resilient to issues with filesystem corruption on the system. They are fairly rare but can happen and when they do they might even require having the system back to us for service. There's also improvements in terms of power management of the mainboard. This is the BIOS version that existing systems ship and has been extensively tested. Systems with serial 21 and above have a BIOS version that can be updated directly via the OS that's why only the series starting on 20 will need to apply via this method.
Hi. I recently tried to import some WAV files that are bigger in 1G. Ever since the system does not boot up. I plugged in a monitor to the HDMI and I cant get past the bios. My model starts with 19. Do you have any suggestions?

This is not related to the BIOS update. Please contact our Support because the unit will need to go to a technical service to be checked. Please make sure to include a photo of the screen you get when you connect via HDMI.
Your update manual is not clear, what part covers getting the file onto a memory stick is this up to page 4?.
It doesn't say when I am supposed to connect a keyboard and hdmi to a TV? I assume I attach the KBoard to the USB connection on the back of my Zen mini Mk3 and a HDMI cable from the Zen mini into the TV ? Do I then plug in the USB memory stick with the ISO now burnt onto it?

I assume all this is from Page 5 onwards in Step 2. So I power down the Zen Mini and restart it with all the above connected and then press F2 on the KB to get into the BIOS setup and then follow the instructions after that?

What is the Bios Update image file for? Is this the a copy of the file that needs to burnt to the memory stick already downloaded?

I have aMac Mini using latest Apple Sonoma 14.5 software update

Final question, does this BIOS update need to be done before I can update to Sense 3.0?
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Is anyone at Innuos able to answer my query above, just need some guidance so I don’t screw it up
Many thanks
If you're doing the update on a Mac that's step 5.2. You can download the update image to your Mac and then on step 5.2 select the ISO file you've downloaded.

Hope that helps.

Thanks for your help, after some hit and miss attempts I realised I still needed to do step 1 and create the bootable USB Drive using the ISO image I downloaded to it. After this the update went fine and all done.
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I’ve just bought a used mini with the 20 serial that I need to update. Just to confirm with the instructions that I download the file onto usb via laptop then plug into zen mini a monitor and usb keyboard and insert the stick then go into the boot start up?
Struggling to understand what connects with what for this BIOS upgrade. Is the sequence: Power down Mini; remove Ethernet connections to router and system; using an Apple laptop top, insert new USB ; Down load files onto USB using laptop; remove USB from laptop; plug laptop into Mini using USB connection; insert USB stick from laptop into Mini; power up Mini; follow instructions from Step 2.
I left my zen running whilst I downloaded the files to a usb stick. Powered down the zen mini. Then connected a keyboard, monitor and the usb stick to the mini, (mini still connected by Ethernet) and went into the bios menu as instructed and followed the steps. I did not connect my laptop to the zen mini, you will need a usb keyboard and hdmi monitor
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Thanks Phil. A few questions, if I may. I have a HDMI port marked “service” is that the one to use to connect to the TV? At what point did you power up the Mini? Is it a case of power down, plug in kb, usb stick, hdmi and power up? Then proceed from Step 2 ?
Yes use the service port , it is only for a screen so you can see the command lines. I plugged it all in the powered up and hit the relevant F key to go into bios
It’s then quite straightforward after that , use the screen shots and take your time..