Artist search bar overtype issue


New member
Jun 7, 2024
Anyone else noticed that if you swipe your cursor from right to left to highlight the Search bar that overtype doesn’t work any you are left with the previous text in the field.

Swipe left to right & overtype works.

I have reported to Support some time ago but heard nothing back

I think I figured out what the question is. When you swipe cursor from right to left, the mouse cursor will stay outside the search field and becomes inactive. Hence no overtype. To test this, if you swipe carefully from right to left keeping the cursor inside the field that will work.
I'll discuss this with the team to check how we could potentially prevent this from happening and come back to you.
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I think I figured out what the question is. When you swipe cursor from right to left, the mouse cursor will stay outside the search field and becomes inactive. Hence no overtype. To test this, if you swipe carefully from right to left keeping the cursor inside the field that will work.
I'll discuss this with the team to check how we could potentially prevent this from happening and come back to you.
Thanks Nuno - sorry that my Q had some typos but you’ve understood the issue perfectly.

I’m sure that the cursor swipe used to work both ways, but I have noticed this issue for at least a year, so it hasn’t been introduced in any of the more recent updates.