We are currently aware of an issue affecting iOS users attempting to use the search function in the Sense app. Users may encounter an error message stating: "Something unexpected happened. Please reload."
This issue only applies to devices running older versions of Android or iOS. It requires a significant amount of resources to maintain Sense app for older mobile operating systems. Rather than 'lock' these devices to only older versions of Sense app, we would rather they still received newer versions that bring new benefits, but issues that are specific to legacy devices cannot be easily solved unless especially severe critically undermines stability/usability.
What in your opinion should Innuos do?
As I am sure you are aware for a company to continue to grow the functionality of its software that in turn creates greater demands on the host hardware/software. At some point the older host hardware/software runs out of grunt.
What in your opinion should Innuos do?
As I am sure you are aware for a company to continue to grow the functionality of its software that in turn creates greater demands on the host hardware/software. At some point the older host hardware/software runs out of grunt.
This issue only applies to devices running older versions of Android or iOS. It requires a significant amount of resources to maintain Sense app for older mobile operating systems. Rather than 'lock' these devices to only older versions of Sense app, we would rather they still received newer versions that bring new benefits, but issues that are specific to legacy devices cannot be easily solved unless especially severe critically undermines stability/usability.
I looked it up, as of July 2024 Android 11 is no longer supported, can you update to v12?
EOL of Android 11 Support (Android)
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The Box Android applications will no longer support the use of Android version 11. This end of life (EOL) is due to our company policy around operating system support.
Android users will be able to continue to use any previously downloaded versions of the apps on devices running Android 11. However, the Box team will not be releasing bug or crash fixes for these unsupported versions, and these users will not be able to install new versions of the apps until they update their device. To continue receiving the latest versions and stay up to date, please update your device to the latest version of Android.