Phoenix USB Clocker - Audio Science Review

ASR is not the most "reliable", appears to base everything on graphs.
Audio is for ears and if the design suits as well as sounding good then people might then go and buy an item.
Never have bothered to read any of the stuff it puts out, and likely never will.
However, each to their own.
Have owned Phoenix USB reclocker and made a significant improvement to Zenith Mk3.
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ASR is not the most "reliable", appears to base everything on graphs.
Audio is for ears and if the design suits as well as sounding good then people might then go and buy an item.
Never have bothered to read any of the stuff it puts out, and likely never will.
However, each to their own.
Have owned Phoenix USB reclocker and made a significant improvement to Zenith Mk3.
ASR follow fairly common scientific principles. USB is a well known and thoroughly researched data transmission protocol. If you think the ASR guys have done something wrong, then please highlight it. USB is an asynchronous protocol that is reclocked in the receiver as per the USB standards chapter 11 section 7 subsection 1.
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ASR follow fairly common scientific principles.
Hi 🙂...

That may be so,.but as usual I ignore technical analyses and speculations...
🔥 I choose to listen..!!

AND,.I have InnuOs Phoenix USB-reclocker,and am happy with it together with my InnuOs ZENith mk3 streamer.

Everything connected with Vertere Redline USB-cables.
AND,.Jorma Design Duality powercable's with plugs...
• Oyaide M1/F1
• Oyaide P/C 004


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Hi 🙂...

That may be so,.but as usual I ignore technical analyses and speculations...
🔥 I choose to listen..!!

AND,.I have InnuOs Phoenix USB-reclocker,and am happy with it together with my InnuOs ZENith mk3 streamer.

Everything connected with Vertere Redline USB-cables.
AND,.Jorma Design Duality powercable's with plugs...
• Oyaide M1/F1
• Oyaide P/C 004
What you do with your system is up to you.
What I find offensive is you want to ‘bad mouth’ another forum because you don’t like what they say, and/or don’t understand it, even though it is founded in science and engineering.
Many over there have an extensive CV and work experience in all the relevant subjects. If you don’t want to read it, fine. But refrain from being rude.
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But refrain from being rude.
😳 But Hello My Friend...
Now you should probably calm down a little..!!

I express my position based on many decades of experience and knowledge,.this when it comes to listening to,and evaluating the best high-end music-systems.

I am 60+,.and have tested and evaluated music-systems even professionally.
MY,.and the most knowledgeable know...
That the only thing that matters when it comes to evaluating,.whether a product works in your own music-system or not,is listening...
♦️Just Listen..As Simply As That.

▪️PS: I have also been a hifi-dealer,installed music-systems on behalf of others for decades.
Have worked with the best hifi designers in Sweden,.also for decades, AND,they definitely have good CVs in the field 😉.

The biggest mistake most people make,.is not spending time installing and optimizing their music-system.
AND,.relying on technical specifications instead of listening and evaluating with their ears,in their own music system.

♦️Again: Just Listen,.As Simply As That.


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😳 But Hello My Friend...
Now you should probably calm down a little..!!

I express my position based on many decades of experience and knowledge,.this when it comes to listening to,and evaluating the best high-end music-systems.

I am 60+,.and have tested and evaluated music-systems even professionally.
MY,.and the most knowledgeable know...
That the only thing that matters when it comes to evaluating,.whether a product works in your own music-system or not,is listening...
♦️Just Listen..As Simply As That.

▪️PS: I have also been a hifi-dealer,installed music-systems on behalf of others for decades.
Have worked with the best hifi designers in Sweden,.also for decades, AND,they definitely have good CVs in the field 😉.

The biggest mistake most people make,.is not spending time installing and optimizing their music-system.
AND,.relying on technical specifications instead of listening and evaluating with their ears.

♦️Again: Just Listen,.As Simply As That.
You expressed your opinion of another forum because you don’t like there approach and don’t understand the engineering.
Your history in the audio sales environment is irrelevant.
We are talking about USB and data transfer. Nothing else. If you don’t understand it that is fine. You can download the specification and read it. But you don’t appear to want to learn about a technology that has been in operation worldwide without issue for many many years.
@Stebbo OKAY..😁...
SO,.my lifelong experience in the field is irrelevant, Oh My God...

Then I know,.your ability to draw relevant conclusions does NOT seem to be at its peak 😉.
You have NOT understood any of what I wrote...
SO,.read what I wrote again,and try to think this time.

I understand most of it,.believe absolutely nothing else.
AND,.what I don't understand, I can ask my friends who are among Sweden's best hifi-designers....
Did you miss that section in my previous writing..!!

BUT,.all this is irrelevant..BECAUSE...
I own an InnuOs Phoenix USB- reclocker,.and hear what it contributes to my music-system.

HOW,.do I know what it contributes..?
Well by...
♦️Just Listen,.As Simply As That.
Since you write this above...

Then I assume you don't hear differences between different Ethernet cables either..??
If you think you do, please explain how it happens? You can refer to the ODI model or the TCP stack if you wish
@Stebbo OKAY..😁...
SO,.my lifelong experience in the field is irrelevant, Oh My God...

Then I know,.your ability to draw relevant conclusions does NOT seem to be at its peak 😉.
You have NOT understood any of what I wrote...
SO,.read what I wrote again,and try to think this time.

I understand most of it,.believe absolutely nothing else.
AND,.what I don't understand, I can ask my friends who are among Sweden's best hifi-designers....
Did you miss that section in my previous writing..!!

BUT,.all this is irrelevant..BECAUSE...
I own an InnuOs Phoenix USB- reclocker,.and hear what it contributes to my music-system.

HOW,.do I know what it contributes..?
Well by...
♦️Just Listen,.As Simply As That.
Your experience does not trump long standing facts about USB data transmission. Oh my god!

I have read what you have written, it is nonsense to be honest. However I will acknowledge the fact it is not your first language, maybe not even your second and I applauded you for engaging. But it goes against what the entire world knows on these topics.

Please get your Hifi friends to come here and talk about how they are dismissing the worldwide known proven facts about USB data transmission. I will enjoy reading what they come up with.

However this only started because you had to abuse another forum that you don’t like because you don’t understand their conclusions based on science and engineering.
So, do you think USB has jitter or not? Do you also think USB doesn't run at 5V AT ALL TIMES or not? Lastly, do you think USB carries electrical noise from outside sources or not?

FYI, if you answer NO on any one of them, discussion is over and let the mods close out this thread
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If you think you do, please explain how it happens? You can refer to the ODI model or the TCP stack if you wish
This is so common today,.that it does NOT need to be explained according to your principles.

BUT GOOD,.now I have a complete understanding of who you are.
You are someone who does not listen,.but wears blinders on, and stares blindly at technical "excesses".

A tip,.read on Naim's factory-forum, there are lots of threads on the subject...
About differences in soundquality between different ethernet-cables.

Then we're back to the previous...
♦️Just Listen,.As Simply As That.

Neotech NEET-1008 Silver,.there you have a very good ethernet-cable vs. soundquality.
It's the white cable you see in the picture.


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So, do you think USB has jitter or not? Do you also think USB doesn't run at 5V AT ALL TIMES or not? Lastly, do you think USB carries electrical noise from outside sources or not?

FYI, if you answer NO on any one of them, discussion is over and let the mods close out
So, do you think USB has jitter or not? Do you also think USB doesn't run at 5V AT ALL TIMES or not? Lastly, do you think USB carries electrical noise from outside sources or not?

FYI, if you answer NO on any one of them, discussion is over and let the mods close out this thread
This might help you.
Universal Serial Bus 3.1 Specification, Revision 1.0, Section 11.4.5.
This is so common today,.that it does NOT need to be explained according to your principles.

BUT GOOD,.now I have a complete understanding of who you are.
You are someone who does not listen,.but wears blinders on, and stares blindly at technical "excesses".

A tip,.read on Naim's factory-forum, there are lots of threads on the subject...
About differences in soundquality between different ethernet-cables.

Then we're back to the previous...
♦️Just Listen,.As Simply As That.

Neotech NEET-1008 Silver,.there you have a very good ethernet-cable vs. soundquality.
It's the white cable you see in the picture.
Good grief. It’s like the Age of Enlightenment never happened isn’t it?
However this only started because you had to abuse another forum that you don’t like because you don’t understand their conclusions based on science and engineering.
How many times,.for how many years...
Don't you think we with great practical experience in listening,.have had the same discussions with you younger technically educated people.

I don't question the theory you invoke,.however...
Listen practically,.you will be surprised.
BUT,.it must be in an optimally installed system to reproduce music..not sound.

Now I leave this discussion, because it's just a waste of time.

Come back in 10 years when you have gained more practical experience with high-end systems,.I promise you, that you will not argue the same way.

Have a good evening 😃
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How many times,.for how many years...
Don't you think we with great practical experience in listening,.have had the same discussions with you younger technically educated people.

I don't question the theory you invoke,.however...
Listen practically,.you will be surprised.
BUT,.it must be in an optimally installed system to reproduce music..not sound.

Now I leave this discussion, because it's just a waste of time.

Come back in 10 years when you have gained more practical experience with high-end systems,.I promise you, that you will not argue the same way.

Have a good evening 😃
Farewell. Don’t forget to download, read and understand the USB specs I linked for you.
Don’t forget to download, read and understand the USB specs I linked for you.
🔷 One last post...
If you still don't understand,.take off your blinders.
There's no need to download anything.
As I've Always Said...
♦️Just Listen,.As Simply As That

BUT,.be prepared for your "worldview" to change.