Not being served Sense updates?


New member
May 21, 2024
My Sense "System Update" tab shows my current system as 2.6.0. I have checked the box asking to be informed of new system update releases. I haven't received any notices regarding the updates released after 2.6.0. I have always been informed of the option to update prior to this time.

Anybody have any solutions? Thanks.

Normally the update notification will pop-up when a new update is ready but once dismissed, it won't show again. Make sure to check the box when updating. Anyway, make sure to update to version 2.6.3 manually and check the update box, you should be notified on the next update.

Normally the update notification will pop-up when a new update is ready but once dismissed, it won't show again. Make sure to check the box when updating. Anyway, make sure to update to version 2.6.3 manually and check the update box, you should be notified on the next update.

I haven't ever dismissed (or tried to dismiss) an update when notified that one is available -- I always update when notified as soon as it is practical to do so. The update box is always checked. Here's my current update screen; I don't see anywhere to do a "manual update" as you advise. Could you please clarify?


Also, I checked one of your troubleshooting articles on not being able to connect to an Innuos Server using (this has never been possible). One of the instructions says to input http://statement.local in a browser, which is how I've always connected to my server. It then says to "...go to System and check if the serial number of your unit has 13 digits. If it doesn’t, please contact Innuos Support and refer that your serial number is incorrect so we can fix that." My Serial Number per the System tab/window is 21000000008705 -- 14 digits. Could this be part of the problem or otherwise an issue?

Finally, that same troubleshooting article states:
"3. You may also try to connect to a different network port on the router/gateway and restart both the Innuos server and the router/gateway device. Check for any activity on the led lights on the LAN port;" I haven't switched to a different network port or rebooted either the Statement or my router/gateway yet. At this point, facing the back of my Statement, my LAN port has a solid orange light to the left above the port, and a slowly, intermittently flashing yellow light above and to the right of the port. Is this the expected behavior? If not, what should these lights look like?
