Navigating the Music Library: Artists, Tracks, New Music and Folders


New member
Jun 18, 2024
Additionally, you have the usual list of local albums from the Artist but you now also get a list of albums the Artist appears on, which could be as a Track Artist or as a Composer. This information is provided even if no streaming services are connected. innuOS now fetches this additional data online for your local library.

Artist Cover Image, Bio and Local Albums on Music Library

I don't get a list of albums the Artist appears on. I have the Brendan Perry album but it doesn't show my Dead Can Dance albums.Is it because my Zen MK2 is on version 2.6.3?
Although Sense can obtain artist bios and artwork, it will not start pulling information to write into the metadata tags of the files themselves which is what you need for these associated 'appears on' functions to work. So for example in this case, Brendan Perry would need to be in the COMPOSER tags of all the relevant albums for this to work, and you would need to go to the ARTISTS view and switch to COMPOSER to then get this to work for your local files.