Does Innuos Sense control the volume on your dac through USB?


New member
Feb 18, 2025
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Hello all, this is a general survey question, for those that have a DAC with a built in volume control. Hopefully this is not to confusing :)

Is the Innuos Sense application volume control independent of, or intended to be ganged to the Dac volume control via USB? meaning does the Innuos Sense volume setting adjust the volume level of your Dac volume control? Or are the two volume controls in series and fully independent of each other?

I am currently running my Zen mk3 with Phoenix USB into my Dac and using the Dac volume control to adjust the volume level of my system. My Dac is connected directly to my power amp(s). I leave the Sense volume at 100% and the dac volume is adjusted independently. This works great and i do not want it to change.

However if the Zen reboots or the USB physical connection is interrupted and re-established the Dac upon reconnection automatically goes to full volume. This is undesired behavior especially if not caught in time. With a windows PC connected to the Dac directly i do not get this Dac behavior when the USB is disconnected and reconnected. It only happens with the Innuos streamer system. So i am leaning towards the windows PC communicating USB volume settings while the Innuos does not and the Dac has a USB connection reset issue when USB volume settings are not coummicated.

Is the Dac doing this on its own without instructions from Sense? or is the Zen communicating my 100% Sense volume setting to the Dac at startup only?

At no time does the Sense volume setting affect the DAC volume setting so i am curious about cause and effect behaviors. I am in communication with the Dac manufacture and all is good there, very open dialog. I am just trying to understand what Sense is and is not expected to be doing.

Thanks for your time!
Hello all, this is a general survey question, for those that have a DAC with a built in volume control. Hopefully this is not to confusing :)

Is the Innuos Sense application volume control independent of, or intended to be ganged to the Dac volume control via USB? meaning does the Innuos Sense volume setting adjust the volume level of your Dac volume control? Or are the two volume controls in series and fully independent of each other?

I am currently running my Zen mk3 with Phoenix USB into my Dac and using the Dac volume control to adjust the volume level of my system. My Dac is connected directly to my power amp(s). I leave the Sense volume at 100% and the dac volume is adjusted independently. This works great and i do not want it to change.

However if the Zen reboots or the USB physical connection is interrupted and re-established the Dac upon reconnection automatically goes to full volume. This is undesired behavior especially if not caught in time. With a windows PC connected to the Dac directly i do not get this Dac behavior when the USB is disconnected and reconnected. It only happens with the Innuos streamer system. So i am leaning towards the windows PC communicating USB volume settings while the Innuos does not and the Dac has a USB connection reset issue when USB volume settings are not coummicated.

Is the Dac doing this on its own without instructions from Sense? or is the Zen communicating my 100% Sense volume setting to the Dac at startup only?

At no time does the Sense volume setting affect the DAC volume setting so i am curious about cause and effect behaviors. I am in communication with the Dac manufacture and all is good there, very open dialog. I am just trying to understand what Sense is and is not expected to be doing.

Thanks for your time!
Hi Audiogal

I have a similar set up, Innuos Statement USB into Chord Dave which has built in volume control. My Innuos 'volume' is set at 100 with control of listening volume through the DAVE. However on reboot or reconnection the volume will play at the last level set on the DAVE, this suggests an issue with your DAC as I believe it is normal to have the Innuos set at 100.
I'm sure someone will be along soon with a more detailed explanation, good luck with solving the issue I'm sure your speakers will appreciate this.

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Haha, ya i had one jump out of my chair episode and saved the speakers so now i am very mindful of reboots and USB interrupt situations!

Wonderful, this is the type of data response i want, thank you. It seems the Innuos does not communicate volume setting via USB which is what i want and thought. Hopefully a few more people can chime in with their experiences in a similar use case of Dac to amp straight no pre-amp using the Dac as the volume system control.
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However if the Zen reboots or the USB physical connection is interrupted and re-established the Dac upon reconnection automatically goes to full volume. This is undesired behavior especially if not caught in time. With a windows PC connected to the Dac directly i do not get this Dac behavior when the USB is disconnected and reconnected. It only happens with the Innuos streamer system. So i am leaning towards the windows PC communicating USB volume settings while the Innuos does not and the Dac has a USB connection reset issue when USB volume settings are not coummicated.

I run my Satement NG with USB to a TAD DA1000TX DAC that is directly connected to my poweramp and I adjust the volume with the DAC. I have never had any similare problem with my system I can shut down the DAC, reboot the Innuos or disconnect/reconnect the USB cable and my DAC never changes the volume it stays at the volume it was set on.
Which DAC do you have?
Hi Stephen, with respect to the manufacture i do not want to share that information and create a narrative publicly that is unintended in spirit and nature. I have no ill will to the manufacture and want to allow them to address this unwanted behavior.

My goal was to determine what is and what is not expected behavior of Innuos Sense via USB communication for the volume control through power recycle, USB connection interruption and normal operations and we have that confirmed independently now, thanks to the community!
My DAC is connected by USB and Sense volume is always set at 100%. I’ve had a couple of power surges recently which reset the streamer and sent the DAC haywire. Rarely have network interruptions but my TP-Link repeater has thrown a wobbler twice recently and this again upset the DAC. I also power down streamer and DAC at minimum weekly and sometimes more often. On none of these occasions bar one has the Sense volume reset to anything bar 100%. The one occasion it failed to set at 100% turned out to be because there was a Naim Muso QB on the network and it decided to take the internal volume from that and my offspring had it to 50% and therefore that’s what we got. Turned off UPnP and all is well.
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Hi Stephen, with respect to the manufacture i do not want to share that information and create a narrative publicly that is unintended in spirit and nature. I have no ill will to the manufacture and want to allow them to address this unwanted behavior.

My goal was to determine what is and what is not expected behavior of Innuos Sense via USB communication for the volume control through power recycle, USB connection interruption and normal operations and we have that confirmed independently now, thanks to the community!
Okay, well in short Sense only determines its own volume control, and does not take over any volume control in the DAC assuming there is any, because then it would be a DAC Pre which normally handles volume control in a separate way. If there seems to be varying volume control between Innuos and DAC, this would suggest something possibly quite unique/specific to the DAC.
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