Audio from Roon Core but not from either of two Zenith streamers


New member
Jul 17, 2024
I currently own two Zenith music streamers, both of which are located in my house, that are never connected to the network at the same time. My Nuprime IDA-8 DAC just came back from the dealer, who said he could find nothing amiss. Both my POLK floor speakers have audio (hiss) when connected to a standalone stereo receiver. The issue that has me stumped is that when I connect either streamer to Roon and click on a music file, audio comes from my Macbook Air (Roon Core), but not from either of my two streamers after clicking on the IDA-8 icon in Roon (lower right hand corner of the screen). Can anyone offer a solution?
I'm not sure, but this sounds like more of a Roon issue if it is running on the Mac and that is where the audio is outputting from. Probably the audio configuration might need updating. The DAC will not be the problem. You'll most likely get more feedback on the Roon support forums, so do make sure to post your issue there if you have not already done so.