Recent content by Peder

  1. P

    Phoenix USB Clocker - Audio Science Review

    Hi Frank 🙂... I test and evaluate everything very carefully in my system before adding a new product. My system is incredibly matched with "Attention To Detail",.so the slightest change can go wrong if I don't evaluate a new product carefully. Personally,.I'm happy with my InnuOs USB...
  2. P

    Phoenix USB Clocker - Audio Science Review

    And @frank7036... It is incredibly rude to open a thread on InnuOs own forum,.and accuse InnuOs of manufacturing "Snake Oil" products. If you behave like that,.well then at least I am a man that stand up and confronts that kind of nonsense... And also @SchiitMjolnir2 . BUT,.now Stebbo seems to...
  3. P

    Phoenix USB Clocker - Audio Science Review

    🔷 You put it well 😃... As I see it,.we are all here to learn from each other, and each other's experiences. ---------------------------------------------------------------- NOT,.to mock and insult what we have no practical knowledge or experience of...
  4. P

    Phoenix USB Clocker - Audio Science Review

    YOUNGER THAN WE THOUGHT ➖ ➖ ➖ ➖ ➖ ➖ ➖ ➖ @SchiitMjolnir2 ,.when you thought @Stebbo couldn't embarrass himself any more... Yes,.then he posts these childish things on InnuO's serious forum 😳. I wrote earlier that he is probably young, but with this post above,we can probably conclude that he...
  5. P

    Phoenix USB Clocker - Audio Science Review

    Is this drivel above worth commenting on..? NO,.it sounds like a playhouse for toddlers.
  6. P

    Phoenix USB Clocker - Audio Science Review

    That's right,.they are just embarrassing when they show their ignorance. Even though I said earlier,.that we have many incredibly technically knowledgeable people in our Hifi and Music Association, two of whom are professors in this field... So @Stebbo continues to embarrass himself...
  7. P

    Phoenix USB Clocker - Audio Science Review

    😂 😁 😂 😁 😂 😁 😂 😁 😂 😁 😂 OK,.so what I hear in my own music system,with my own ears,you rudely choose to just ignore. DESPITE,.my experience,which I only slightly touched on in previous posts. With your statement,.so I assume you have listened yourself. IF NOT,.well then you embarrass yourself...
  8. P

    Phoenix USB Clocker - Audio Science Review

    🔷 Oh My God..😂... Your lack of ability to understand written text. AND,.being able to draw relevant conclusions is astonishingly low... In other words non-existent..!! I will comment more on your strange writing above when I have time. BUT,.you can assume that I have 100% knowledge of what...
  9. P

    Phoenix USB Clocker - Audio Science Review

    😳..But please,.my friend..!! Despite everything I've written to you in this thread,.you haven't absorbed anything, or understood anything..!! ♦️THAT,.is actually amazing 😳. I asked you a question in my last post above,.which you chose to avoid... AND,.I understand why you chose to avoid it...
  10. P

    Phoenix USB Clocker - Audio Science Review

    @Stebbo ... I have a simple question... Are you listening to what you're talking about at all,.or is it just technical speculation.? Because if you are listening,.well then you must be hearing impaired if you don't hear the difference. You can't be so stupid so you think @SchiitMjolnir2 and...
  11. P

    Phoenix USB Clocker - Audio Science Review

    It's Sad... For yourself,.that you try to ridicule people who have experience and knowledge in the field of music systems,which you clearly lack. I have been in a group of the most knowledgeable in Sweden in this interest since the beginning of the 90s. AND,.you embarrass yourself by adding...
  12. P

    Phoenix USB Clocker - Audio Science Review

    🔷 One last post... If you still don't understand,.take off your blinders. There's no need to download anything. As I've Always Said... ♦️Just Listen,.As Simply As That BUT,.be prepared for your "worldview" to change.
  13. P

    Phoenix USB Clocker - Audio Science Review

    How many times,.for how many years... Don't you think we with great practical experience in listening,.have had the same discussions with you younger technically educated people. I don't question the theory you invoke,.however... Listen practically,.you will be surprised. BUT,.it must be in an...
  14. P

    Phoenix USB Clocker - Audio Science Review

    This is so common today,.that it does NOT need to be explained according to your principles. BUT GOOD,.now I have a complete understanding of who you are. You are someone who does not listen,.but wears blinders on, and stares blindly at technical "excesses". A tip,.read on Naim's...
  15. P

    Phoenix USB Clocker - Audio Science Review

    Since you write this above... Then I assume you don't hear differences between different Ethernet cables either..??