Recent content by frank7036

  1. frank7036

    Tip of The Day - PhoenixNET Connection

    Are the ethernet ports electrically isolated from each other ? I am currently using the NET switch to connect my ZENith NG (port1) and also to connect (port2) an ASUS router as part of my wifi mesh and Cat6 house LAN. I want to check if connecting this way could the ASUS router introduce noise...
  2. frank7036

    Innuos Zenith with Sense won't convert/play DSD files, but as Roon Core will

    Did you click on save after choosing the No DSD option in Audio - Sense doesn’t automatically save when you change a setting.
  3. frank7036

    USB CD Rippers

    Asus ZenDrive U8M Ultra Slim External USB-C DVD Drive and Writer Plugged in to back of Zenith NG with supplied cable , set the offset (+6) and away we went. No drama, worked fine. Not as easy to get cd in/out from the disc drive as compared to my old Zenith mk3 but as I’ve already ripped my...
  4. frank7036

    Adding album/artist data

    Got it , thank you @Stephen Healy . I’m learning a lot on how to edit data in the system. I wish I’d known how the system names & structures the internal files on import - especially linking to albums/artists/lists etc. I also added a request to access the booklets and other info when playing...
  5. frank7036

    Anyone successfully used a MiniDSP product with their Innuos device?

    The Statement, nor the mini-DSP have a DAC, I would expect you need to connect the Statement to your DAC , then your DAC output to the mini-DSP to apply the filters/gain to the music stream.
  6. frank7036

    Zenith mkIII not able to play native DSD with Chord mscaler and tt2 kr Emm lab dac v2?

    @goone Also , the TT2 accepts DSD directly as an input. So, try connecting the Innuos directly to the TT2 (bypass the M-scaler) and set the Innuos DSD as above. You should try listening with the different setups to see which combinations sound best to you , in your system. You can of...
  7. frank7036

    Zenith mkIII not able to play native DSD with Chord mscaler and tt2 kr Emm lab dac v2?

    connect the USB of the Innuos directly to the EMM dac. Choose DSD over PCM (referred elsewhere as DSD_DOP) in Innuos and it should play through the EMM, the signal is still DSD just inside a PCM wrapper to fool the DAC. Then also try Native DSD setting in the Innuos - it might work, but if...
  8. frank7036

    improvement Zenith

    Personally I’d clean up the data stream from your modem/LAN feeding into the Zenith mk3. I have both units and I believe the NET does more than the USB , but this is very DAC dependent. There are other well regarded switch/filters, the Muon Pro or the Tempus (both from...
  9. frank7036

    Adding album/artist data

    Hi @Stephen Healy , I tried what I think you said. The album information (.pdf) is included in the folder with the music tracks and was imported. However there is no “biography” available when looking at the album, from the album page. Have I misunderstood your instructions? Yes, I would like...
  10. frank7036

    Zenith mkIII not able to play native DSD with Chord mscaler and tt2 kr Emm lab dac v2?

    EMM manual says DAC2 supports DSD64 and DSD 128 via USAB.
  11. frank7036

    Zenith mkIII not able to play native DSD with Chord mscaler and tt2 kr Emm lab dac v2?

    As far as I can see the M scaler doesn’t support DSD. I suggest you remove it from the data/signal chain.
  12. frank7036

    Adding album/artist data

    Hi Stephen, So I have to move the files into the “music tracks” file before importing to Innuos? Can I do that after the music import?
  13. frank7036

    Phoenix USB Clocker - Audio Science Review

    @Peder Yes costs always seem to climb. I’m using Tubulus Concentus cable for i2s and Sablon EVO USB along with other well regarded interconnects from preamp to amps. A sizeable investment. It is all very dependent on what is available in your neighbourhood, what your system is as a whole and...
  14. frank7036

    Phoenix USB Clocker - Audio Science Review

    Hi @Peder My issue isn’t with @Stebbo bringing up the ASR review , Innuos make a big deal about their products but with little measured performance data to back it up. They are (or should be) big enough to stand criticism and provide better than “it’s all subjective” as a rebuttal. @Stebbo way...