Hi all,
New user alert!
I picked up my Zenith mk3 yesterday and immediately started ripping my CDs. My physical library is sorted by artist name, so I began with 4 Non Blondes and then I had four CDs by a band called 7Horse. However, two of these were identified as “7horse” and these were treated as a different band (the system is case sensitive, which I like). So I pulled up the “7horse” artist in the Sense app (latest version) and edited the name to “7Horse”. The app automatically suggested names from my library that matched what I started typing, which is nice. The update appeared to have worked fine, but the Sense app still showed 2 CDs with the wrong artist name. After rebooting the Zenith, the name change was completed and I now have four CDs under the artist “7Horse”.
Question: would it be possible for the Sense app to show the changed artist name without rebooting the Zenith?
New user alert!

Question: would it be possible for the Sense app to show the changed artist name without rebooting the Zenith?