Moving Up the Product Line


New member
Jun 7, 2024
I really like the Sense app and enjoy the features of my Zen Mini mk3. I'd like to look at moving up the product line to gain some sq improvement. However, my Sugden DAP-800 dac will not accept usb input. At present I cannot see any Innuos products other than the Mini offering SPIDF digital output. Am I wrong and there are options?
The Next Gen models offer a lot more connectivity than before. The Zen NG for instance:

Modular Architecture​

You can configure the ZEN Next-Gen as a Music Server/Streamer, Server-only or Streamer-only easily. Choose to have no internal drives, or up to a maximum of 16TB SSD storage. Leverage the ZEN as a premium streamer through an optional Digital Audio Output slot for different modules such as PhoenixUSB Lite, PhoenixI2S Lite, or SPDIF.
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Hello @zym ,

As @frank7036 mentioned above, the Next-Gen pieces offer a variety of output options, including SPDIF. Outside of the ZEN series is our streaming-only PULSE series, and the Pulse has a hard-wired SPDIF output (as opposed to the more flexible, modular design of the newer Next-Gen gear):

If the streaming-only option doesn't work for your system you can still upgrade the performance of the ZENmini Mk3 with our LPSU upgrade:

The outboard toroidal power supply offers a solid jump in performance, and you're in luck: through the end of January existing Innuos customers get 20% off of a purchase of any upgrade equipment, including the LPSU:

I hope this helps, let us know if you have any other questions!

Kind Regards,
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Thank you both for the replies. I should have mentioned that I do already have the LPSU with my Zen Mini mk3. It does appear that the Zen NG is the upgrade path to retain the SPIDF connection. However at about 4x cost level it will have to wait while I consider options.
Thank you both for the replies. I should have mentioned that I do already have the LPSU with my Zen Mini mk3. It does appear that the Zen NG is the upgrade path to retain the SPIDF connection. However at about 4x cost level it will have to wait while I consider options.
The Pulsar is now available with optional output modules, one of which is SPDIF. See here Pulsar
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