Mk2 zenith vs pulse mini & lpsu

Phill r

New member
Oct 9, 2024
Norwich uk
Currently have mk2 zenith which is about 7 yrs old now and does not support sense 3, so how much, if any loss will there be for chopping it in for a pulse mini with lpsu while they are on offer ? Currently use Roon but with sense radio being developed I’d move to sense 3 and scrap Roon. Thoughts?
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Keep in mind the PULSEmini has no internal storage, so if you have files stored in your ZENith then you'll need to find a new home for them on a NAS etc.
Sonically there will be a reasonable downgrade as well - the ZENith MkII has 3 internal LPSUs versus the single rail from the LPSU. However, due to the current promotion the PULSEmini and LPSU is obviously good value at the moment, but assuming you are okay without storage then I would suggest trying to get to the PULSE if you can - this will actually be quite a strong upgrade over your ZENith MkII.
Thanks Stephen, just to be clear are you saying the pulse mini with lpsu will sonically be an upgrade or just functionally?