Is there a way to purchase albums from Quobuz using iPad?

Jun 20, 2024
Love Sense App and streaming music from Quobuz, but I’d like to purchase albums “on the go” each time I find one that I like more than others.


I mean: using just the iPad (my controller - no computer available in my music room) I’d like to

- find an Album via Sense App
- purchase it with my Quobuz account, connected to Sense App
- download the Album tracks directly to my Statement NG, used as server/streamer in my system
- at the end of the day having that album available in my “local stored files” vs “my library streaming files”

Both the iPad and the Statement NG are hard wired (no wifi) to the same router, that is a unique router used only for music (dedicated fiber from the ISP). I’d like to avoid the need of computers and/or USB keys in the purchase/download process.

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There is technically a way to do this:
- Use the Qobuz app to find the album and purchase it on your Qobuz account. Do NOT download any files via the iPad.
- Go back to Sense, Resync Qobuz
- Under the Qobuz -> Purchased Albums section, your purchase should be listed there.
- Select the album, and beside each track behind the '3 dots' you should have a Download Track option. This will download a FLAC version of this file into the local storage of your Innuos.

Sadly, it is currently on a track-by-track download basis; the reason being that there is a limit how many times Qobuz will let you download a whole album in a space of time, so there were concerns of having an entire 'download album' button that would be mistakenly pressed too...
There is technically a way to do this:
- Use the Qobuz app to find the album and purchase it on your Qobuz account. Do NOT download any files via the iPad.
- Go back to Sense, Resync Qobuz
- Under the Qobuz -> Purchased Albums section, your purchase should be listed there.
- Select the album, and beside each track behind the '3 dots' you should have a Download Track option. This will download a FLAC version of this file into the local storage of your Innuos.

Sadly, it is currently on a track-by-track download basis; the reason being that there is a limit how many times Qobuz will let you download a whole album in a space of time, so there were concerns of having an entire 'download album' button that would be mistakenly pressed too many times then actually it locks you out of making anymore downloads of that album.
To clarify. I can’t see a way to purchase within the Qobuz app so I need to use their site; find an item to purchase; purchase and then refresh Qobuz within Sense so that I’ve the option to download to my Zenith track by track and then construct those into the album with appropriate cover etc?

Qobuz approach seems to assume a degree of stupidity or haste on the part of users. Surely just needs clear text on what the restructuring are time wise and then it’s up to users.
To clarify. I can’t see a way to purchase within the Qobuz app so I need to use their site; find an item to purchase; purchase and then refresh Qobuz within Sense so that I’ve the option to download to my Zenith track by track and then construct those into the album with appropriate cover etc?

Qobuz approach seems to assume a degree of stupidity or haste on the part of users. Surely just needs clear text on what the restructuring are time wise and then it’s up to users.
The good news is you will not need to construct the tracks into an album manually - as you download each one, the metadata should be consistent so that the tracks will automatically assemble themselves into the full album with the correct artwork, year, track numbers, artist, album title etc.
The good news is you will not need to construct the tracks into an album manually - as you download each one, the metadata should be consistent so that the tracks will automatically assemble themselves into the full album with the correct artwork, year, track numbers, artist, album title etc.
Excellent. That doesn’t exactly sound like a massive hassle then.