Booklets not available if placed in main folder


New member
Feb 13, 2025
Hi all,

Not sure if this is a bug, a missing feature or just the way it works but..

I've scanned most of the booklets, OBIs, inlays, etc. from my CD collection, and have them stored in the folder with the audio files like this:
> Artist - Album name
> Audio files + PDFs
This works and the booklets (PDFs) are available in Sense.

However, with albums containing 2 or more discs my folders look like this:
> Artist - Album name
> CD1 + CD2 + PDFs - audio files placed inside each CD folder, with PDFs placed in the main folder.
This doesn't work when the PDFs are not stored with the .FLAC files, and the booklets (PDFs) are not available in Sense.

Is there a way to change how / where Sense looks for PDF files?
In the process of discussing this is there any chance you could post screen shots of what a folder might look like for this, and, how you go about opening self-created booklets. I didn’t even think this was an option.
In the process of discussing this is there any chance you could post screen shots of what a folder might look like for this, and, how you go about opening self-created booklets. I didn’t even think this was an option.
Here's a screenshot of the folder structure that works with the booklet feature. Also screenshots of Sense showing the Booklet button and the booklet when opened. The folder structure with sub folders CD1 and CD2 will not enable the booklet button, unless the PDF files are moved to either sub folder, which is not what I'm looking to do right now.


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I believe this is expected behaviour, the PDF does need to be in the same folders as the rest of the album files.
If we created a rule where the system instead looked for a PDF in the 'parent' folder and they were all stored there, you could have quite a messy situation where an artist with 10 albums has 10 booklets are all technically available to view no matter which album you happened to be listening to; you would then need to choose which booklet to view and they would all need to be named accordingly. Ultimately, it is easiest to keep the PDF contained within the relevant album, in this case i would say it is easiest to copy and paste/duplicate the PDFs into each folder.
I believe this is expected behaviour, the PDF does need to be in the same folders as the rest of the album files.
If we created a rule where the system instead looked for a PDF in the 'parent' folder and they were all stored there, you could have quite a messy situation where an artist with 10 albums has 10 booklets are all technically available to view no matter which album you happened to be listening to; you would then need to choose which booklet to view and they would all need to be named accordingly. Ultimately, it is easiest to keep the PDF contained within the relevant album, in this case i would say it is easiest to copy and paste/duplicate the PDFs into each folder.
OK. This makes sense when albums are stored with a folder structure as 'Artist' (parent folder) > 'Albums' (sub folder with all albums for the artist and PDFs for all albums in the parent folder) - I have mine stored as 'Artist - Album' (single folders with PDFs for album in each) - It's not a big problem though - just wondered if there was a way to change how Sense scanned for them. I will just have to move the PDFs in the relevant folders, which are the ones with more than one CD only.