Recent content by Stephen Healy

  1. Stephen Healy

    Tip of The Day - PhoenixNET Connection

    @Octaviars sums it up well - also keep in mind that any open socket can still be a conductor for RFI/EMI, so the isolation transformers also help to combat this.
  2. Stephen Healy

    Flashing LED

    It sounds like the system was in loop booting up/down again, hence giving the LED behaviour of flashing. I am not sure what would cause this (perhaps a small surge that disrupted the PSU), but a power disconnection to allow draining of the caps would indeed be the suggested solution for this...
  3. Stephen Healy

    Removing "Qobuz Album not found" from the Library

    I'm not sure, that's more a matter for the Qobuz app. It might be a case of just going through this process as-and-when you encounter a missing album.
  4. Stephen Healy

    USB CD Rippers

    Hi all, We would like to hear feedback from you with regards to optical USB CD drives that have worked well for ripping through our devices that support this, such as the ZEN Next-Gen and ZENith Next-Gen. As an example to get the ball rolling, we have had positive reports from some users on...
  5. Stephen Healy

    Spotify on zenith mk3

    The Spotify plugin is very much at the users own discretion - we cannot account for performance changes Sense updates make to the plugin performance, and equally any updates to the Spotty plugin we cannot account for in terms of how that interacts with Sense. As such, we cannot support it...
  6. Stephen Healy

    Zenith mkIII not able to play native DSD with Chord mscaler and tt2 kr Emm lab dac v2?

    I would agree with Frank here that perhaps the solution is to run a second USB cable out from the ZENith that goes straight to the TT2 or the EMM directly. Then, when you have a DSD album you want to play, just change the output device on the Innuos Audio Settings and output direct Native...
  7. Stephen Healy

    Removing "Qobuz Album not found" from the Library

    Can you confirm then that if you go to the Qobuz app itself, and go to Favourites, then you do not have a 'greyed out' entry of that album that is no longer available? You should have still have an entry you can 'unfavourite' on the Qobuz app, as outlined on our KB article here...
  8. Stephen Healy

    Zenith 3 slightly warm.

    Very, considering all those valves!
  9. Stephen Healy

    Zenith mkIII not able to play native DSD with Chord mscaler and tt2 kr Emm lab dac v2?

    As Frank says, the Chord does not process DSD natively, it converts it into PCM anyway. All you can do on the Innuos side of things is switch the audio settings to 'No DSD Support' so that the Innuos transcodes to FLAC which would rather reduce the amount of work the Chord subsequently has to do.
  10. Stephen Healy

    Adding album/artist data

    Yes, you can move a PDF into the folder with the tracks after the import, that is fine, but it will not populate the artist biography - the system does not read from PDFs in this. PDF Booklets can only be viewed from the ALBUM view, so if you selected that album 'QOPE' you should then see an...
  11. Stephen Healy

    In Progress Display of multiple artists in Now Playing

    Just confirmed, we will now add this to the backlog for a future bug fix.
  12. Stephen Healy

    Back-up drive format

    It would be formatted to exFAT
  13. Stephen Healy

    Zenith 3 slightly warm.

    There were probably a lot of times where heat was produced but you did not realise as you were not checking? There's any number of variables to account for, but as a whole it's completely expected to feel some warmth from the system, especially on the location you describe since its near the...
  14. Stephen Healy

    Innuos PULSAR connecting to NAS and use NAS' MinimServer or Twonky Server

    Hi Tommy, Minim and Twonky are both UPnP server clients. The PULSAR is not a UPnP renderer, so will not read from UPnP media servers. It instead uses the 'indexing' method as you have outlined above with the network shared folders.
  15. Stephen Healy

    Sense 3.2 no longer syncing with Squeeze-lx

    I did try to replicate this over the last few days with a grouped ZENmini and SqueezeLX on my PC, but seemed to stay in sync for quite awhile. Can I check thats the Innuos NOT exhibit this behaviour when just playing independently and is not grouped, or does it have queueing issues then as well?