Recent content by Jeabo

  1. J

    SenseUPnP: Feedback Thread

    I confirm. Since v 3.2.2 Radio and Podcast are ok. Thanks ! Sadly, activating Display Track Data blocks the Qobuz streaming so far. Let's wait and see...
  2. J

    SenseUPnP: Feedback Thread

    Streamers NAIM UNITI2 - NAIM SUPERUNITI - METRUM AMBRE Hello everyone, I have just made a new test last night taking into account the contributions of some members of the forum. Thanks to @malfordlad and @michaelb With the configuration below, streaming on Qobuz in HD is possible again...
  3. J

    SenseUPnP: Feedback Thread

    Innuos ZEN mk3 Version 3.2.1 In STANDALONE mode Streamers NAIM UNITI2 - NAIM SUPERUNITI - METRUM AMBRE all the devices are ethernet connected with several audio switches in the same network, but the Superuniti is not connected through the ethernet streamer output from the ZEN. Compatibility...