Statement NG: to stack or not to stack

Jun 20, 2024
Any Statement NG owner had the chance to compare different placement of the server + power chassis? I always had them stacked and I’m wondering if using them separate on different shelves can improve sound quality.

I got better results upgrading the umbilicals to the Sean Jacobs’s models, that are 30 cm long like the stock ones. If someone already tried to separate them, which is the maximum hight possible between the two units, being the umbilicals so short?
I could have a bottom shelf of 12 cm of hight (where placing the power unit) and the thickness of the shelf above is 3 cm. It means elevating the server unit around 5/6 cm above the current stacked position.

I could always invest in a new pair of umbilicals (which aren't cheap), say 50cm long, to make the units easier to place on different shelves. In terms of improving SQ, is it worth the money or would lengthening the umbilicals negate the benefit (if any) of separating the two units?

Curious to know also the Innuos staff opinion.

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Hi Luca, it's extremely difficult for me to advise if it is worth or not as its a very relative/subjective thing. I do expect that any further isolation/separation will likely help, but whether the gain is worth the cost of long cables and potentially another shelf to add to the rack - that's very hard to say. You could experiment getting 3 isolation feet that could be placed between the Server and PSU units while still 'stacking' the units and see if you feel that is a worthwhile gain, and then you know if you are on the right path or not.
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