Separating Genres and Tags


New member
Sep 3, 2024
Haymarket, VA
It would be nice to have the genres and tags separated. This would allow for the refinement of the music library. For example, albums with a classical genre could be tagged with baroque, romantic, cantata, sonata, concerto, etc. An album could have multiple tags but still fit within one genre.
I'll need to check the feasibility of this - the trouble is that the whole Tags system in Sense is in fact using the GENRE metadata field, so branching into a new keyword category would involve creating a new subset database.
There's a subtle nuance to be defined as well in that this comes down to a relationship between Parent Genre and Sub-Genre; example, Baroque is a Sub-Genre of the parent Classical genre, so we would need to understand how to integrate a 2-tier system into Sense. An interesting idea though, please do feel free to submit over on the Feature Request site!