Notifications new albums available possible?

Personally I enjoy the fun of browsing Qobuz and Tidal from within Sense on a Friday morning when new releases are out. It’s as close as you can get to release day for record shops. Being noticed of my fave artists would be a “no” for me. It further reduces the joy of discovery.
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The reason I asked for this option is that it regularly happens that new albums of my favorite artists regularly have been released 2 or 3 months before I discover it. I also enjoy searching for new artists/albums I never heard about before but it would be very convenient to be notified about new work of artists I admire instead of continuously screening e.g. 50 favorite artists for new albums that I usually are going to enjoy anyway but now regularly only 3 months after it was released.
Agree with you! It’s always a good thing having more options available: marking those artists you’d like to be updated if you want or doing nothing… at your choice.