InnuOS - release 2.0.8

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Released 13/11/2021


  • New setting to keep Innuos Sense App awake whilst it's being used
  • Show large cover when clicking the album cover on Now Playing screen


  • Sense UI will now reconnect quickly when the app returns to the foreground
  • Album not Found when opening any Qobuz album after navigating on Qobuz for some time
  • Restart Server does not refresh back to Sense UI
  • Tidal sync does not update changes done in Tidal Website
  • Tidal page displays "Tidal Could Not Connect"
  • Uploaded Album cover not saving correctly
  • New Releases displays less albums than New Releases in Qobuz Website
  • Interface gets locked on ripping page if Assisted Ripping is started on another instance of the UI
  • Cloud track removed from Music Library in streaming service remains in library after sync
  • Radio search not handling characters like "ç"
  • Refreshing the app while playing a track, makes the track appear listed as Last Tracks in the History Page
  • When Backup runs some folder names are changed to lower case and creates duplicates
  • Updating artists through mp3tag leaves outdated artists in ML~
  • Last played tracks carousel in Home Page disappears
  • [Sense] Log download does not work
  • On search, user-created streaming playlists have option to remove and not to delete
  • Other small bug fixes and performance improvements


If you are experiencing issues with duplicated tracks after a backup, please rescan your music library on Server > Settings > Storage after the update is installed.
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