InnuOS - release 2.0.5

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Released 02/08/2021

New Features and Improvements​

  • Improved performance when loading playlists from Qobuz
  • Improved performance to add queue to a playlist
  • New Issue Type (Bug, Question or Feature Request) added to Contact Support form


  • Roon Experimental Mode not working
  • Compilation Albums being split with one album per track
  • On some albums, one of the tracks shows as Unknown Artist
  • NAS Shared Folders not rescanning completely
  • Some albums are missing and/or some album covers not showing
  • Some WAV or AIFF files are not playing correctly
  • Updating Artists message does not progress
  • Creating a new playlist with My Library filter active breaks playlist covers
  • If Roon is enabled while Updating Artists is active, it gets stuck
  • App fails to add Qobuz tracks of a Qobuz playlist to a new or existing local playlist
  • Other small fixes and performance improvements


If you are affected by the Compilations issue or missing albums and covers, please go to Server > Storage > Rescan to correct
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