Does Innuos ever Rename folders or files?


New member
Jan 29, 2025
Madrid, Spain
Hi, really love my Innuos but still getting a grasp of using folders and name files. It seems to remind me of itunes that the best solution is to forget about folder naming but I was curious in case I was missing out on something.

I even tried importing music with the same "import name" to have everything in the same folder but alas, Innuos creates an Folder(x) name and then I have to move all the files in it.

I reas somewhere that Innuos detected duplicate files/albums to be able to delete them after import. Has this functionality been removed? I tried recording same album and the album appeared as one, but with all songs dupliated, that was less than ideal.
Generally the system does not take liberties in renaming files or changing folder structures and so on. When you perform an Import, the music within that import goes in a folder with the name you gave to that import (if any name was given - otherwise it creates a name out of date and time etc).
The Music Library is not built out of the folder structure though, it is built out of the tags on the music files themselves.
There is currently not a duplication removal feature, though it is something for us to consider in the future.
Yes, imports can be deleted if you go to SYSTEM -> IMPORT, then check the Import History and check the 'more options' beside the listed import. You will see an option to delete the import, but it will delete...
Generally the system does not take liberties in renaming files or changing folder structures and so on. When you perform an Import, the music within that import goes in a folder with the name you gave to that import (if any name was given - otherwise it creates a name out of date and time etc).
The Music Library is not built out of the folder structure though, it is built out of the tags on the music files themselves.
There is currently not a duplication removal feature, though it is something for us to consider in the future.
Yes, imports can be deleted if you go to SYSTEM -> IMPORT, then check the Import History and check the 'more options' beside the listed import. You will see an option to delete the import, but it will delete everything that came in on that import - it will not single out specific things like possible duplicates.

Keep in mind that you do not technically have to use the Import tool at all - you can copy and paste music over from your PC into the Music folder directly, and Sense app will update the library accordingly. This might be a better approach, because unless you keep a careful track of what you are importing via USB/NAS etc, then you may well end up duplicating music by importing files multiple times and things can get messy.
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Generally the system does not take liberties in renaming files or changing folder structures and so on. When you perform an Import, the music within that import goes in a folder with the name you gave to that import (if any name was given - otherwise it creates a name out of date and time etc).
The Music Library is not built out of the folder structure though, it is built out of the tags on the music files themselves.
There is currently not a duplication removal feature, though it is something for us to consider in the future.
Yes, imports can be deleted if you go to SYSTEM -> IMPORT, then check the Import History and check the 'more options' beside the listed import. You will see an option to delete the import, but it will delete everything that came in on that import - it will not single out specific things like possible duplicates.

Keep in mind that you do not technically have to use the Import tool at all - you can copy and paste music over from your PC into the Music folder directly, and Sense app will update the library accordingly. This might be a better approach, because unless you keep a careful track of what you are importing via USB/NAS etc, then you may well end up duplicating music by importing files multiple times and things can get messy.
Thanks for the response, It's exactly as I understood it and was operating this way. I think I read some things before purchasing with older version of Innuos Sense and that's why I could a little bit muddled up.

I'll carry on recording directly to the Innuos folder then!
I even end up moving the files from my ripped CDs so they're all hosted in the same "folders" and I can navigate easily