Recent content by Stebbo

  1. S

    Phoenix USB Clocker - Audio Science Review

    Peder, you are a fantasist. You do with your system whatever you want. I really don’t care. You are/were one of those types that uses, in particular order. Shataki stones, cable lifters, Ravioli feet, ‘audio fuses’ and the green pen around your CDs. Not forgetting demagnetising the disc itself...
  2. S

    Phoenix USB Clocker - Audio Science Review

    I don’t care to be honest. I know the reclocker is snake oil. It has been confirmed with extensive testing over on ASR. It goes against a mature technology that has been in use for years. I think this sums it up nicely. A quote from a guy on another forum. Middle-aged hi-fi people with...
  3. S

    Phoenix USB Clocker - Audio Science Review

    You have been avoiding questions from the very beginning. I am very happy to listen to things and I do, once they pass a bullshit test. I fully understand you and how you approach things. That is why I said you never accept that as a human you are fallible. You don’t just listen, you look, you...
  4. S

    Phoenix USB Clocker - Audio Science Review

    Thank you for your honesty on this. Some people see scientific/engineering facts are somehow negotiable when audio products are concerned. What is never up for debate is the human propensity to imagine things. That is why I pointed to Dianna Deutsch who is a leading light on psychoacoustics, but...
  5. S

    Phoenix USB Clocker - Audio Science Review

    Jitter in modern DACS is rejected to at least an order of magnitude or two below audibility - even on an interface which carries the clock like Toslink. Further - if your input to the DAC is USB, there is no jitter in any case, since the DAC clock fully controls the clocking.
  6. S

    Phoenix USB Clocker - Audio Science Review

    Oh dear. You really believe that? Ok. You carry on in your fantasy world.
  7. S

    Phoenix USB Clocker - Audio Science Review

    Do you understand what a USB asynchronous data stream is? And how the receiving usb system reclocks the data under chapter 11.7.1 ??
  8. S

    Phoenix USB Clocker - Audio Science Review

    I thought you were leaving this thread?
  9. S

    Phoenix USB Clocker - Audio Science Review

    So I have pointed you to the USB specs yet you still don’t understand. That is fine. I won’t judge you. :)
  10. S

    Phoenix USB Clocker - Audio Science Review

    Good grief. Do you understand what USB actually is?
  11. S

    Phoenix USB Clocker - Audio Science Review

    Have you read and of the works of Diana Deutsch?
  12. S

    Phoenix USB Clocker - Audio Science Review

    Younger! :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO: Farewell. Don’t forget to download, read and understand the USB specs I linked for you.
  13. S

    Phoenix USB Clocker - Audio Science Review

    Good grief. It’s like the Age of Enlightenment never happened isn’t it?
  14. S

    Phoenix USB Clocker - Audio Science Review

    This might help you. Universal Serial Bus 3.1 Specification, Revision 1.0, Section 11.4.5.