Recent content by NVitorino

  1. N

    Solved Internet Radios not playing

    Hi everyone, There is currently on 3.2 and 3.2.1 a situation whereas radio stations will not play at all due to the URLs not being resolved by the system. This is related to service boot order so it can happen randomly. A reboot might bring the radios back to playing normally. This is being...
  2. N

    Calling Sense 3 Beta Testers, who's in?

    I understand your scenario and does make sense but technically it would be quite a bit more complex. So if you're playing one track on a group and decide to play a different track on one of the players of that group, what would happen to the other players in that group - keep playing what they...
  3. N

    Calling Sense 3 Beta Testers, who's in?

    This is unlikely to be related to Beta. The first thing to check is whether the DAC is USB Audio Class 2 compatible. Some DACs require a setting to change to Class 2. With Audio Class 1 it's very much hit and miss in terms of connection. The other factor may be USB initialization. Some rare DACs...
  4. N

    Calling Sense 3 Beta Testers, who's in?

    Hi guardajoias, Thanks for the feedback. Regarding the groups indeed once a player is part of a group, there is no individual access to it. The players are all synced anyway, so if you'd go for that player and play something, it would play on the whole group anyway, Otherwise, what would be...
  5. N

    System Pics anyone interested?

    Hi, I'm happy to chime in on this. There's a number of variables to consider but essentially it's about vibration on the chassis. The stacked approach means the power supply gets a "damper" on top which does help with vibration. There's no real impact in terms of the toroidal as there's enough...
  6. N

    Back button from artist list broken

    Hi, QA just got back to me indicating they reproduced the issue. We've add it to our backlog and should be fixed with version 3.2. Thanks again for reporting!
  7. N

    Back button from artist list broken

    H Hi Simon, Thanks for checking this. Our QA will check and I'll reply back when I know more. Nuno
  8. N

    SenseUPnP - Looking for feedback

    I find the 1st gen Phantoms a bit of a lost case for UPnP. I have one at home and just can't get it to play consistently. Connected a PULSEmini via optical and I've been living happy with it ever after :)
  9. N

    SenseUPnP and gapless profiles for Qobuz albums

    Hi, Indeed 3.2 will have a revamped SenseUPnP experience which we also hope it's more stable and compatible with multiple devices. The issue you have is fairly common. We do have a configuration around this that should resolve your problem. I'll have a word with the team to publish a profile...
  10. N

    SenseUPnP - Looking for feedback

    Hi everyone, Were looking to improve Sense UPnP on version 3.2 by improving considerably the discovery of UPnP-based streamers as well as providing better compatibility so there can be better support for gapless, less glitches playing back and DSD support for the devices that do support it...
  11. N

    Sense App - Starting with a black screen on iOS devices

    You can apply for the Beta app and you can try it out:
  12. N

    Sense App - Starting with a black screen on iOS devices

    We are preparing a new version of the Sense App that uses a new technology. Although we can't easily reproduce this issue, we expect this to stop happening. Additionally, we should no longer have the spinning wheel when changing from another app. Once it's ready for public beta we'll let you...
  13. N

    What do you think of Zen NG and Zenith NG

    There is much disinformation about our relationship with Roon. We've always been in touch with Roon since 2017 and we are one of Roon's largest partners in this space. Our agreement with Roon is that Innuos provides user support for Innuos customers using Roon as Roon does not have access to our...
  14. N

    What do you think of Zen NG and Zenith NG

    Roon-Ready only applies to endpoints. The ZEN/ZENith NG works as Roon Core so the Roon-Ready certification does not apply.
  15. N

    How do I tell InnuOS that an album has 2 or more artists & get them listed separately in the Artists list?

    If you change the Artist on the first track of the album, the system should ask if you want to change all of them so you can change all tracks in one go.