Recent content by Krankor

  1. K

    SenseUPnP: Feedback Thread

    Just wanted to follow up. Since update to 3.2.2 this appears to have resolved my issues with MP3 album playback. Thank you!
  2. K

    Newbie Questions About Sense Operation / Playback MP3 :)

    Quick Update: Release 3.2.2 resolved playback of MP3 albums. Thank you!
  3. K

    Newbie Questions About Sense Operation / Playback MP3 :)

    Thanks Folks, really appreciated the feedback. I will look to try a direct connection to KEF speakers when I have an opportunity. I've currently switched back to ROON mode for the time being as no issues with playing from library, but I'm very impressed with the Sense app (albeit some snags)...
  4. K

    SenseUPnP: Feedback Thread

    As Kindly suggested by Stephen Healy Re-posting my own findings with Sense 3.2. I've been a long time owner of a Innuos Zen Mini Mk3 but I've always had it configured for Roon. With Sense 3.2 being released I thought I'd give it a try :) My Zen Mini is not connected to any streamer directly...
  5. K

    Newbie Questions About Sense Operation / Playback MP3 :)

    Hi Folks, Looking for some help! I've been a long time owner of a Innuos Zen Mini Mk3 but I've always had it configured for Roon. With Sense 3.2 being released I thought I'd give it a try :) My Zen Mini is not connected to any streamer directly, just sits on the network connected to modem...