Recent content by JSQT

  1. J

    Is my Zen MK3 overkill now?

    Well that problem is solved, it turns out for some reason my Sense app was in Native instead of Standalone UPnP mode, and after a refresh the Yamaha showed up on the list of available network players, so we are good in that regard. I was told by Innuos support that SenseUPnP was unstable and...
  2. J

    Is my Zen MK3 overkill now?

    Thanks Stephen. Yes currently I use it into the USB input on a Technics SU-R1000 and it sounds amazing. But I’m downsizing and consolidating a bit, I have a 2 channel tube-based vintage system I’m going to be using for 2 channel listening (I have a BSN2i for this running from a separate...
  3. J

    Is my Zen MK3 overkill now?

    I'm consolidating and downsizing and moving from 2 separate systems (1 high end 2 channel and the other home theater), and I have owned a Zen MK3 since launch (I think 2018?) Now I am wondering if it is overkill, as it seems with the home theater system I can only access files on the Innuos...