hoku's latest activity

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    hoku reacted to frank7036's post in the thread DSD recording with Like Like.
    DSD recorded music and its playback can sound extremely good , as can similarly recorded high resolution PCM. It is fair to say that...
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    hoku updated their status.
    am wondering something super basic.. can I simpmy remove the USB drive or SSD drive from the back of my Zen Mk3, or do i need to shut...
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    hoku replied to the thread DSD download to mk3 possible?.
    not sure why, but the files I imported off the USB were the original DSD when saved on Zen Mk3, but when I first went to Qobuz and...
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    hoku replied to the thread DSD download to mk3 possible?.
    i did download to laptop and transfer and was DSD, whereas the direct download onto Zen Mk3 was CD quality... all sorted now tho thanks...
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    Bought DSD albums from qobuz but am unable to download to Mk3... they download as CD quality... this normal? Do I need to save to my...
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    hoku replied to the thread Zen mkiii not recognising USB Drive.
    OK, checked that drive, not registering on the PC either so perhaps is the drive - because it was configured and failed to backup on my...
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    hoku replied to the thread Zen mkiii not recognising USB Drive.
    Aloha, I am also unable to reconfigure the USB as the mk3 does't recognize the USB... it is as if there was no device inserted, just...
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    What? Did not know it was so heavy...(About) How much space would 1 hour of DSD256 music take up?
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    hoku replied to the thread Buying Hi-Res albums.
    I actually have a question for you since you know more than I (total streaming newbie) - I don't even know how to access the qobuz...