Recent content by hansbondeson

  1. H

    Mount Zenith Mk3 disk on windows 11

    All systems have their own problems, Mac also... ;)
  2. H

    Mount Zenith Mk3 disk on windows 11

    Thanks for the reply! That might be a possible solution that I did not test. But, while waiting for answers, I Googled the error message that I got from my mounting tests. And finally I found the page...
  3. H

    Mount Zenith Mk3 disk on windows 11

    I have managed my music library stored on my Zenith Mk 3 disk from a Windows 11 machine (mount the Zenith disk as a network disk drive) and everything has worked fine until just recently when windows suddenly demands a password in order to access the Zenith disk. But there is no user id and...