frank7036's latest activity

  • frank7036
    frank7036 replied to the thread DSD download to mk3 possible?.
    Hi @hoku I just replied to your same post on PS Audio forum . Yes you can. I provided instructions and a couple of screenshots for...
  • frank7036
    frank7036 posted the thread DSD recording in The Lounge.
    DSD recorded music and its playback can sound extremely good , as can similarly recorded high resolution PCM. It is fair to say that...
  • frank7036
    frank7036 reacted to Steven's post in the thread System Pics anyone interested? with Like Like.
    I started streaming with a Linn DS in 2010 and they took the decision that, for audio quality, the music source had to be from a network...
  • frank7036
    frank7036 reacted to e888lp's post in the thread Innuos Phoenix USB with Like Like.
    In fact, if replacing the USB cable can change the sound, then USB clock reassembly is also meaningful. Of course, all of this needs to...
  • frank7036
    frank7036 replied to the thread Cost of an upgrade of te SSD.
    The cost of additional storage by Innuos has always been a bone of contention. The NG products have brought the storage price down but...
  • frank7036
    frank7036 reacted to GrahamP's post in the thread System Pics anyone interested? with Like Like.
    My system consists of a Linn Select Edition DSM, a pair of Linn Keltik speakers powered by a pair of Linn 4100 double stereo amps as...
  • frank7036
    frank7036 reacted to mikehughescq's post in the thread Podcasts. with Like Like.
    Since my last post more podcasts have appeared but there are some very very big omissions still. For me there are two clear bugs...
  • frank7036
    frank7036 reacted to mikehughescq's post in the thread System Pics anyone interested? with Like Like.
    I’ve found it incredibly valuable to downsize as I moved to streaming and then experiment one component at a time rather than buying...
  • frank7036
    I have an Innuos Zen Mk3 connected to a Chord Qutest and the results are very good via USB. I started out at the Innuos 1.4.7 release...
  • frank7036
    frank7036 replied to the thread Podcasts..
    Never found a podcast I was looking for via search (top right icon) so I guess that’s it. Even looking through the lists on my iPhone...
  • frank7036
    frank7036 replied to the thread Innuos Phoenix USB.
    @NickV this is a good article to read about USB. Fundamentals Depending on the DAC designer a DAC may have multiple clocks for...
  • frank7036
    frank7036 reacted to Steven's post in the thread System Pics anyone interested? with Like Like.
    The important stuff! A central managed switch (Unifi USW-24 PoE: the big rectangular box) and a network controller (Unifi UXG-Lite: the...
  • frank7036
    frank7036 replied to the thread Innuos Phoenix USB.
    Many (most?) DACs use asynchronous USB which means the DAC requests the data(usb packet) from the host (streamer), stores an amount of...
  • frank7036
    frank7036 replied to the thread Innuos Phoenix USB.
    Not true at all, it completely depends on what the designer/manufacturer decides. There is no universal choice just because it is usb...
  • frank7036
    frank7036 replied to the thread Innuos Phoenix USB.
    @Toneranger , in my experience the improvement to the sound you hear from adding a usb reclocker/filter such as the PhoenixUSB is...